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  • I imagine it's because camping at the endgame is the only way some killers can get real pressure going at the end. I mean it's a solid tactic, especially if the team is altruistic. You can go from having almost no hooks to at least getting a 2k. Especially if you run NOED. Hell, NOED will cause some survivors to just run…
  • Elvira, The Boys, Buffy, Pumpkinhead, Supernatural Sammy, Dean and Cas. Blade from The Puppet Master films (imagine a reverse My Little Oni with the killer super super tiny!) For Buffy I would want Buffy to be the survivor (with other characters being an alternative skin). For killer of the Buffy chapter I would want to…
  • There's a saying that goes, "If crime didn't pay, there wouldn't be any criminals." And that's the deal with toxic gameplay as well. It goes on because it's rewarding and the game allows it to go on. And there's very little pushback on the devs end. It's virtually a high reward, low risk activity to play DBD in the most…
  • I also believe that it's important for killers to play survivor every once in a while. A lot of how I play as killer is influenced by having played so much as killer. For instance, I don't see a weaker survivor and think to myself, "Wow. They suck and I'm gonna tunnel them out as soon as possible to get a 3vs1 yeah!" I…
  • Survivors are where a lot of the hostility in the game originates. And I say this as someone who plays a lot of survivor. I'll put it this way, I've never gotten a hateful message from a killer the whole time I've played this game. What I have gotten is survivors who, even though I'm on a console and don't have the chat,…
  • When you look at games like Attack Of The Killer Clowns or TCM, games where you CAN harm the killer, all the killers share the same characteristics, strengths, weaknesses. You can just copy, paste the whole interaction from one killer to another. Dead By Daylight, however, has a massive list of killers who do different…
  • I think that the entity is very similar to Leviathan in the Hellraiser universe. Leviathan is an ancient god who thrives on the suffering of others, using the cenobites to control what goes on in his realm. The entity uses killers in a similar way, and feeds off of the frustrations, anger, and suffering of both sides. It…
  • I chase whoever I see. But I try to be fair about it and keep in mind who I have and haven't chased yet. When I hook somebody, I leave the hook and don't return to "get people." If somebody has been obviously struggling all game, maybe a newbie, I don't think to myself, "Total weak link. I'm gonna get them outta the game…
  • Only if there were a huge enough bp bonus to make up for getting downed by a huntress from across the map, with a bear trap on my head, with a cursed tape in my hand and a chain hunt about to start.
  • I feel like when I play killer I am 100 in control of my own experience in the game. If I want a chill game, I'll make it that way. If I want to sweat, I will. The survivors can't "force" me to do what they want. And if I fail, it's all my own doing. When I play survivor, I'm forced to play according to the wills of my…
  • For me there are three main killers I hate going up against. 1.) Chucky. I think all the humping stuff is immature and dumb. And I've just found there to be an extra kind of vindictiveness to the way some of them play. Like some of them don't just want to win, they want to stomp on you in a personal way. I'm not for it.…
  • As someone who's played quite a bit of survivor, it sure does suck to have a Meg go next because she was the first to be downed in the game. It also sucks to have a sandbagging teammate who's become friends with the killer and you know the match is gonna be miserable because of it. Or go up against a die hard tunneler who…
  • Some of the best advice I could give anyone looking to play killer is to turn off chat and play anonymous. It doesn't matter what you do or how you play. If you win, there will be salty tears. If you lose, it's "baby killer" or "ez". The more you play, the more likely you will encounter this kind of stuff eventually. Some…
  • I think there are three main reasons why people dc. 1.) They don't enjoy playing against the killer. 2.) A sandbagging or total potato teammates who make the game completely miserable 3.) They've grown to understand map pressure and snowballing, so they understand early losses mean they won't be escaping anyway. It doesn't…
  • I also think it's comical how enraged some DBD players get whenever a killer mentions going up against a swf. Like you could have a four Steve squad, with matching cosmetics and gamer tags, all running the same build with the same offerings, and some rando in the replies will go, "How dare you say they were a swf! How do…
  • An ugly truth about DBD is that it's punishing as hell on low MMR survivors and punishing as hell on killers with a higher MMR. As a newer survivor, you get matched with potatoes who blow skill checks, don't touch gens, creep around the map into a corner, etc. As a killer, these trials are awesome. But the catch is that…
  • I didn't say they were a swf because they were saving, I believe they were a swf because they literally never left each other's side the entire game, did everything as a group the entire game, and seemed tormented at the thought of their teammate being on the hook longer than a second. I play in solo q all the time, this…
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