Thanks for implementing this!
Still seeing this a lot :)
Ah man, just came here to see why mine didn't work. I used Discordance, will have to try again with just Self Care.
This has been fixed :)
On the flipside, I can see why it's stacked. See you in the shadows peeps :)
Howdy :)
Before today, I didn't know there was a DC penalty :)
That's the thing, killer downed everyone and wouldn't hook them :/
DC after someone else has DC shouldn't be a MM ban..
devs pls
Gooby pls
Yup, please fix :/
Was so looking forward to his voice after playing it in the PTB :(
Please do something to speed it up, painful being pinned at 1 million points and not being able to spend them quick enough :D
Has something like this been suggested before?
Herp derp
Seems like it would speed up the most boring part of the game
So much time wasted on these screens :)
I think that for ranks 15-20, scratch marks should be visible to all survivors. This is the biggest learning point in the game imo.
Jay, how do you expect me to teabag at pallets if I unbind crouch? I don't think you know how to play this game.
Happened yet again :/
Yup, stuck on rocks, I managed to get the killer to pick me up, then wiggle free and he was stuck instead :D
They need to allow the player to pick the size of HUD. Could do with 3 different options. Small Medium Large Then everyone will be happy.
This is me playing DBD at 1440P
This issue is totemly annoying.
Any update? :)
Had this totem again
Please acknowledge
It looks something like this screenshot, it's missing the 'start' and or 'end' points of the check. If you're in a cornfield, can be real hard to see
Had about 3 or 4 flashlights do this recently, I think all with Dwight.
Please fix this, 1440P GUI is way too big.
I hate to keep bumping this. Please can someone acknowledge it 🙂
Please fix this :/
Any update on this? acknowledgement of it would be great :)
Bumping this again
Bump I feel like I have jam jars for glasses.
Same issue on 1440p, looks like a game from 1998 now
Gui was perfect on 3.7.X
Yup, I'm also on 1440P Game is unplayable now, it looks HUGE :( Please revert this for 1440P, it looked perfect before.