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  • Yes, this specific bug was fixed. What remains buggy is the black bubble (popping up when someone is hooked or a gen is completed) covering auras.
  • BHVR said roll incentive was individual depending on MMR and region. As we all seem to have +100% for Survivor yet Killer queues are instant and Survivor queues take forever it seems like the system isn't working as intended.
  • Dead Hard lunge according to various sources is somewhere between 4m and 4.4m Survivor movement speed is 4m/s. So 1 second of Endurance equals 4m. Maybe I am missing something, but that still looks like Dead Hard for distance for me... only worse thanks to possible Endurance speed boost.
  • Fair enough So breaking even at kicking 5 gens at 43% (20% x 43% x 90s + 2.5% x 90s) now. Kick more with less progress and you lose out. Those numbers still seem quite realistic and it just seems like a zero sum game and certainly not like giving killers more room for anything.
  • I had to rewatch that segment now and indeed: 'small, baseline gameplay adjustments' were mentioned. Honestly when hearing this I don't think of gen speed reduction or disincentivizing tunneling and camping as small gameplay adjustments. As mentioned in comments implementing mechanics to prevent camping alone seem rather…
  • It is not my job to come up with solutions. It is their game and it is undeniable that at least camping from a game design perspective is absolute garbage. However to fix this issue, do not go for the solutions (aka the perks) before you addressed the cause.
  • Healing two health states of others either only with Medkit or just by hand while Botany Knowledge was equipped: Challenge still not done :(
  • After about half an hour of the incident I seem to have passed out and when I recovered consciousness SWAT units must've stormed the compound and cleared the situation. Doctors are taking good care of me right now, though it will take a lot of time to process the trauma. Worst thing is, the perpetrator is still on the run.…
  • Heavily armed indeed - she carried an axe and several hatches. Negotiations went quite silent after she let Feng bleed out right next to me so I can only speculate what she wanted.
  • At least now I know how to file a support ticket request although the procedure is an absolute mess.
  • I'm finally free! After about one and a half hours they obviously killed me and I got my hard earned BPs :P
  • They shouldn't be able, if I hadn't been stupid enough to run into a corner / a dead end where they actually could block me. It's well over an hour now and of course DC is an option. Yet I'd like to report them because there was absolutely nothing which gave them a reason to do this. I know the ingame report function isn't…