old Shadowborn gave you 15% more FOV (102FOV), so im using "mini" Shadowborn at 95 (7.5+7.5 is 15, which means old Shadowborn. So i increased it by 8 from 87 which is now old FOV (couldnt by 7.5, so i round it up to 8). edit: nurse at 103 FOV seems difficult to play
the best about this update is the new FOV slider, it took them very long to implement into the game, but its there now, thanks. Oh and about new Rift? Imo they made the best Clown skin so far ("pennywise" hehe nice one)
thanks, where did you learn about those numbers? its helpful, i knew that Otzdarva or Truetalent said once that you loose 10% if you miss skill check on a gen but i didnt know about those other numbers.
@DBDSM how much should i increase it? from 0-100%? what is good on PS4?
sorry to bring this up, but does that mean that those limited time skins will be forever gone if you miss it?
AC and i would not be suprised if it cost 1480AC instead of 1080.
Blue is collect, and Red is save for later?
P100 Legion and Feng here. Playing on (old) PS4 since Oct 2018 DBD. Multiple times Rank 1 with Killer and Surv and now Iri1 with both roles. I recommend you to play with 100 sens on killer. If they try 360, just 360 them back with your right stick. I takes some time to learn, but the movement looks so fast when you pull it…
im on Playstation and i get arab players in every lobby. "EU" server is actually arab server. Thats the case on Playstation dbd. But most important that there are no arabs on US server right? europeans, you can get them. Russian players on playstation? very rare. 95% arabs, the other 5% are german, brits, french. thats it.
oh really? so it means it changes your status even though in this example it was "ON" while in pregame lobby. Cool, thanks for answer :)
@Anniehere hey :) sorry for offtopic but in case you dont know i recommend you to watch lectures on youtube about everyday life topics and current events. The lectures are from Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi (also on, search there for lectures in english, hebrew etc.). Believe me, you can't loose spending some…
they destroyed the game with this "experiment".
Konsolen sind da deutlich sicherer vor Hackern. Wenn du auf PC spielst, da hast du nen guten Grund paranoid zu sein.
Wummsi hat Recht. Erlebe ich auch ständig. Was ich bis jetzt gelernt hab ist: Wenn ich Killer ab 22Uhr bis 3Uhr morgens (deutscher Zeit) spiele, sind meine Wartezeiten extrem kurz (4-5 sekunden) um ne Lobby zu finden AAABER, dafür sind sehr viele redranks unterwegs, vor allem Araber. Bin Rang 10 im Moment, aber egal,…