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  • that was only 4 hits, as a survivor was death already
  • This bug happens to me since i first started to play this game, in the last period it got worse, almost every game there is a phantom crying, and i hopped they will fix it, as it is not a game braking bug, but can really confuse the killer, and after 6 months(at least since i first encounter it) it is still in the game
  • yea i know, happed to me too, only this night: 2 time as survivor, only one time as killer. Tired to do some survivor mission, got in the lobby, locked in, and bam, lobby close with that error, tried again, got the same error after waiting 5 minutes for a lobby, so i quit and played as killer, if i get the error at least…
  • i dont enjoy playing survior (solo queue), and if the game forces me to play as survivor to do the stupid rift that i paid money for it. I will do my mission and suicide so i can get quicker in the next match, when i have only a few hours of free time per day, and i will do the things that i dont like but i am force to, in…
  • i get the same at least 2 times per hour, but i get others that only said "deadmatch" like... what ?
  • kinda like ddos in other games ? man you cant enjoy anything online with these type of people around :|
  • only with that guy ? i hooked anothe guy and had no lag, but the cheater was imposible to hook, i know that some times you get a bit a lag and you have to start the hook action again, but this was not the case, like i tried to hook him up on a hill, he just froze me and then pushed be to the side of the map where he broke…
  • yea, 2 of them but only when i downed the hacker, when i downed one of them they did not try to bodyblock, but the hacker was always there with his inhuman speed and infinite flashlight
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