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  • I like the penalty. I never dc because it does screw everyone over. I had 3 survivors dc when they seen the doctor. Then the doctor found the hatch first, closed it, then shocked me until the entity killed me. This match hurt my rank. So yes the dc penalty is very necessary, much needed and rightfully added to the game.
  • The doctor and the wraith are the worst. Constant shock therapy you never fully loose madness. His item add on's make facing him very difficult. Skill checks all over the screen and going counter clockwise. I had 3 survivors dc and left me with 5 gens. Doc closed the hatch then shocked me until the entity killed me. I…
  • I will only save a survivor who is in a position to be saved. If there is noed and I'm on my last hang, forget it. If you are on the other side of the map, forget it. If we have a face camping killer, forget it. I will take the risk for a good teammate. A survivor who plays to help and escape is worth the save. If I went…
  • I mix it up. The only perk i use consistently is calm spirit. (I really don't like the doctor) Other then that I switch them out. When i first started i used self care and urban evasion but i got better so those aren't needed anymore. I don't use the aura reading perks much any more either. This is not happening, lithe,…
  • As a survivor having to deal with ruin, i think the the old ruin was harder to get past. I mean you had to get great skill checks to have progression. Good skill checks stopped progression. As soon as i seen that red skill check I was off the gen looking for the hex. That in-turn made the game slow down unless someone…
  • I thought the doc was op as well, at first, but if you run calm spirit you start see how you can evade in other ways. It does take time and it is hard but it can be done. Its good blood points when you escape too. The skill checks all over the screen are tough. I stare at the middle and use my peripheral to find it and…
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