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Member, Alpha Surveyor


  • Oh, so there's a way. Good to know. I dodge bases without safespots but it's good to know a way around for other bases. Thank you!
  • Just met such outpost in dangerous area. 45 cubes (according to boost) and nothing else, they stuck vertically so floor is always a lava. I don't know what am I supposed to do to pass it. I tried to shield but apparently shield doesn't save you from acid already dropped on a floor. I can't grapple efficiently bc there are…
  • So you want survivors not be able to switch from p2 Dwight into p26 Nea. And that solves what problem exactly? They still have all their perks, items and still are in swf. They won't switch into high prestige character but that doesn't change anything except you don't know they have p26 nea in their pool. MMR is shared…
  • That's a good suggestion.
  • Loool, yeah, increment of five would be better xD but lazy builders now have to be more creative bc new shield suit and new weapon own them. Also with new rank point system I don't mind dying that much. BTW you can farm some maps until debuff makes your incomes 1 point of resources and fix your numbers! I don't say it's ok…
  • They have same problem in DBD now. I know those games technically have separate dev groups but might be sort of global issue. So maybe it will be fixed along with dbd. idk, but
  • Well, yes, but those prestige points are from prev bases, I haven't built anything new since prestige requirements were changed, just retired all the rest, saw 2-4 raids max per prestige and that's it. So even back then I had enormous amount of prestige points (70%+ were from accolades!) with no use (player xp they give?…
  • Yeah, accolades give nothing valuable outside of prestige points. I have lot of p10 bases with 2-3-and even 40 thousands of extra prestige points. What for? I can have nothing extra (on less creative outposts) with exactly same result. It would be great to be able to pay additional points to save synth or convert all extra…
  • There is creative geometry setup when bomb ejector has triangle thing under it to divide bombs into two groups. First one drops right on top of the raider and second one is going slightly back with a slope shaped vent: so raiders with "running to where you came from" instinct still get bombs on their head and can't avoid…
  • As a general vibe to target, I'd say anything bronze ranks I must add that's pointless because every season everybody becomes bronze ranks and have to climb again. Deep in the core that's a battlepass for rewards, not a rating system. Of course experienced people climb faster but - still - they have to climb. And while…
  • You press "view player's profile" key (P for PC) on post-raid screen or in replay station and get 3 options: view profile (if you both on steam), report and block. Blocking prevents you from getting maps of this player and prevents this player from getting your maps in their pool.
  • I'm ok with lower maximum but it does nothing bc I have nothing to cut in my case. I have only one (two max) outposts already. And, probably, will be able to add third (mastered) one. And I doubt it does anything at all. It forces people with 3-4-5 active outposts to stop and loose their raids for more raids on other…
  • That's exactly what it does. The patrolling path is blocked by the cube preventing guards from passing through it until it is triggered to dissappear. There is no word about making it actually solid, the guards just see it as an obstruction when patrol or chase.
  • Every properly ended raid gives you this, correct. And MadMoeZel doesn't get this but get much much more for tomb hunting. That's what I meant. Normal raiding is less profitable than tomb hunting. Or maybe not less but also not enough to choose it. Like, you say that traps and guards give you synth but do they with all…
  • Less frustration, yeah. And then all your bases will be raided like that, too. But I got you. I saw your comments about master and numbers go brrrr but your argument about no negatives makes sense. I guess, there still can be only one 1st master but it's understandble if you aren't interested anymore. And, I guess, you…
  • The problem is there are pure raiders. It's possible to be pure raider. Your argument about "nothing is here to keep them busy after max out equipment" is kinda true but it's... personal? Not objective? Like it's a matter of preferences whether you like to raid bases with nothing to unlock or not. But it's possible. They…
  • Master the 1st is awaiting along with all opportunities to learn new things and you are going to spend your time loading, jumping around bedrocks and loading again. Interesting.
  • Technically it is already implemented. You need to raid several outposts (five-seven if lucky) to get several raids on one of yours (to earn enough synth to prestige and activate, and then you get special matchmaking boost untill first raids). It forces builders to raid (to earn synth) while pure raiders can raid as much…
  • >>How is a raider coming in, not being able to access tombs, then leaving and a raider coming in, looting tombs, then leaving: any different? They gain and you dont? Difference is if they see/understand tombs were built into outpost they can try to get them OR they can even pass those outposts in the first place if it's…
  • But it's not? More options - more creativity, true. But if you have hundreds of options and only one THIS effective there's no creativity anymore. If you don't place corrosives to cover every possible trap you effectively loose possibilities to kill raiders. Hence, there are tons setups that could be considered as creative…
  • You should post it in bug report section since this behaviour isn't intended.
  • Same people was like "I don't care about rank, I just need my synth; maybe I give the base a shot if it looks cool but I leave anyway after couple attempts" even before the update. You can find comments here on forums. I don't know why they think it's better, they spend time loading and searching for tombs to get smth like…
  • The system is kinda tricky and not super intuitive. The game doesn't know your intentions, it doesn't know which way you want HRV to take and therefore it can't show you a real problem. Like, imagine fresh outpost with default layout. If I delete several blocks of the original path, the game try to calculate the shortest…
  • Not reached cap, at least? I've passed 101 recently but Hugo (https://youtu.be/kFNrIIiL_VQ) has level over 430.
  • That's correct.
  • There is exclusive decal for beta testers. https://twitter.com/MeetYourMaker/status/1623811481992060928?s=20 But no props.
  • If you refill the base you loose all prestige points you've got so far but requirements are still there. And if you managed to presrige the base at least several times and then failed... It is super hard to prestige in one cycle from zero, with no legacy points. Even if you create smth new it's possible you just won't be…
  • Missed your comment, sorry. Your ability to raid is largely unrelated to your ability to build and yet somehow they use rank of builder to calculate your rank gaining/loosing after the outpost. Even though we all understand that pretty all those thousands of rank poins builder got from raids and not from building. EDIT: it…
  • Oh my god, it works! It is so... odd... Like why, what's wrong with coordinates here that all bolts come back... Great job! I guess we can use this information while there's no patch xD
  • for serious though, i'm not sure how they determine which kills do and don't give resources sometimes In this situation it's a bug. The raider crashed session and the game didn't registered deaths. Neither in resources nor in prestige points.
  • I should add that accolades also give you prestige points. Try to get them too, by decorating the appearance and avoiding cheese tactics. Boltshots with hunter mod and acid cubes work well on normal (for new players). Also you can check time of raids in your replay station and activate your base several times for couple…
  • You get only one login bonus per day. If you get several notifications it's a bug, in reality you get several tribute bonuses (cells), not daily. So you don't miss anything, actually. Tho, it's frustrating to not get rewards you think you were granted with. I believe they'll fix that in the next patch.
  • So if dev didn't mean new players don't have any restriction preventing them from playing dangerous/brutal bases... there's no real explanation why my outposts don't get 4 raids every hour unlike MadMoeZel's outposts xD You've killed my hope :D Well, I'm going to get master anyway so it doesn't really matter. I'm sad…
  • They have formula to separate maps and offer them to different people. I don't know if it contains rank in any way but I guess they pretty could use it to calculate things which could lead to smaller map pool for higher (less flooded) ranks (and therefore higher chances for every map here to be raided). Of course it's only…
  • Oh you are master. I guess matchmaking works here... I'm silver 4, almost gold, hadn't enough time to get higher. And I get 4-5 attempts PER PRESTIGE. At max. Even champions don't get too many raids. And I know everything that can influence raiders' decision to try the base so I'm pretty sure mine aren't bad in that way.…
  • Oh, sorry for that, I should've bolded that indeed. And I thought "fixed that for you" would sound kinda rude and aggressive so I deleted that part x) And, yeah, I understand why they gave us five slots but I don't understand WHY. Of course, it's for grind, I just can't imagine who and why decided it that way. We were…
  • Unless you want to make the game a full-time job, you're really not meant to keep two bases activated at all times.  That's how I feel it. And that's the problem I'm talking about.
  • Kill ratio won't work because after that amount of deaths you get only 1 point of resources from them. So your key to get resources is to get tons of raiders because you get WAY more resources from 30 raiders who died twice than from one raider who died 60 times. But. But my super popular base with 1000+ visits total and…
  • At least let us get all loot from our raids. I've met outposts where I got 10 synth from all three tombs in total plus pretty all loot from trap destruction went into acid cubes. Total? Less than 15 synth. With boost. How the hell can I earn 900 to prestige, then? Sometimes I get sweet 200 synth per raid but: 1) it's a…
  • True. To give away rewards at the end of season they can implement battle pass :/
  • When you log in, the game shows you results in genmat gained and sometimes also shows your rank gaining/loss. It's from your bases. Idk why you think it's unfair specifically for builders, everything you say also true for raiders who don't know which base (easy spam brutal or clever death trap, high rank builder or not…
  • Oh, right. I think, I missunderstood that completely. Like, my brain completely missed the point that first hook can be normal hook, not scourge x) Thanks, now everything makes sense!
  • Yeah, that's why that was number 1.5 and not 2, huh :D Anyway, you've asked for purposes and possible usages, here are 3,5 of them. Tbh, I'd be happy to use those cubes in my fake-path build for 10 points only (and probably even make the base normal thanks for that) but, I guess, all people who've been trapped with genmat…
  • Nobody wants all-traps-behind-two-layers-of-corrosives meta. Those traps would be pretty much indestructible without shield weapon, and claws would be extremely hard to deal with. Not impossible but annoying, boring and not friendly to new and not so experienced players. And those would be everywhere, just like second wave…
  • 1) I used it in fake corrosive corridor. Like this one which HRV takes before 2d wave and then it becomes lava thing. If I make them normal blocks raiders could just grapple to them with no harm and make their way out safely, if I make them normal corrosives raiders could shield through them and cut the path. If I make…
  • I was killed in corrosives just because apparently I wasn't "looking at claw" enough to break it with my sword before reeling. Your replays are just glitchy.
  • And now, I guess, it fixed itself? Or was fixed without patches? Or maybe it's an occasional bug. It was like this: It was holocube but no red marks. Now, after restart, I notice that everything is ok again. Not sure why. UPD: it's back. Again, no mark :/ restart the game with no result. Weird.
  • Red cells and synth are daily bonus and you get it only once per day. Darkyan is right, you got several tribute levels plus a glitched reward screen that showed you same reward several times. I've got this too, it's confusing as hell but luckily you don't loose anything here.
  • Great point. I was super exited during closed test and was investing hours into hard bases to finally beat and complete them. It was fun. It was profitable for everyone. Even though I don't care about place in rank table I do care about rewards in the end of season, plus it is just lame to be punished for completing a…
  • As for "fix the hole behind genmat" - I guess they can find it out from your replay. Sometimes those holes are intended to be there and reward exploration. I always nod at good traps or if I definitely know what's coming. And I shake my camera at blocked tombs. Shake my head furiously if I'm mad at myself for stupid death…