Cringe_Worthy23 is my psn, if you're interested.
I play on ps but use discord for vc. I'll add, if u don't mind
Would love to play with you. My discord is: Cringe_Worthy24 I play on ps
I play on ps5 Do you have disord? For vc? If so then add me: Cringe_Worthy24
Cringe-Worthy23 is my psn
Cringe_Worthy23. I play on ps5
Cringe_Worthy23. I play on ps5
I'm down to play. My discord is Cringe_Worthy24#1192
PSN: Cringe-Worthy23
Psn: Cringe_Worthy23
Psn: Cringe-Gaming12. If you're still interested
I play on ps5. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12 I also don't care about winning or losing as long as we're having fun.
I play on ps5. PSN: Cringe-Gaming12
I play on PS5. PSN: Cringe-Gaming12
I play almost everyday Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I play almost every day. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
It is also on PS5. It's so annoying . I keep on hearing random thumping sounds whenever I go against Nemeses even when nemesis is standing still I can still hear it.
Psn: Cringe-Gaming12 If u are interested
I play on ps5. Add me if u are interested. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I play on ps5. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I play on ps5 . Discord: Kaito Kid#1192
My discord is: Kaito Kid#1192. Also if you don't mind me asking .. what platform are you on?
I play almost everyday. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I would like to team up with you. Discord: Kaito Kid#1192
If u are still looking for players add me on ps Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I play on ps5. Add me on discord: Kaito Kid#1192
Add me on ps. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I play on ps5. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
What platform are you using?
I play on Ps5 . If you are cool with that add me there. Discord: Kaito Kid#1192
I'll add you. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12
I hey, I'm 21 and I'm rank 8 my discord is Kaito Kid#1192
Cringe-Gaming12 is my psn if you wanna play dbd together
I play on ps5. Cringe-Gaming12 if you wanna add me
I play on ps5. Cringe-Gaming12 if you wanna add me
I play on ps5. Psn: Cringe-Gaming12