Killers whining about being locked in is ridiculous. Survivors don't get to see the killer to prepare via that killers perks. Its a complete crap shoot for the survivor, especially solo surviviors.
I have said for a long time that moris and keys are unfair. They cut the games short. Getting rid of both would level the playing field a little better. Then killers would have to work for their win abs survivor have to work for their exit.
Well....a lot more tunnelling and camping coming.
Personally i dc from a mori everytime. I think moris and keys both should be deleted from the game. Both give unfair advantages.
I agree with you. Ive been having the opposite. 11, 12 and 14s against a master 1 rank killer.
It has gotten sooo much worse since the dc penalties.
How about rewarding those who do not dc. Today I was in a game where 2 players dcd with all gens left. Now the killer has an easy game and the 2 remaining players get punished by depipping bc 2 people Dcd. So much for fair.
Morrs and tombstone are the opposite. Nothing like getting tombstones before even touching a gen. Nothing like being tunneled and mori'd. I personally don't use the key, but, I think as long as those killer addons are there the key is an appropriate counter. Using a key early in a game, just like those addons that I talked…