everything is perfect, refreshed even driver ecc.. now i try again, if i get another penalty, what should i do ? become Otzdarva and then contacting the devs ? i may just play 1.9.3 instead
so i have net problem only on dbd, since i found that weird hacker, and unistall its not even my decision, the game for me now its just a fancy menu with a red timer in the corner, 40gb and 20Euro for a fancy menu, no thx
i'm now on half hours penalty, maybe they have my ip or something, wanna do something or i have to unistall ? cause the game its literally unpleyable
FIxed, thank you devs <3
up ?
I reported that too, flashlights are broken now, if they dont fix it they will lose all surv mains
Thank you, i will censor all names exept for hacker one in the video
as ticket i do select "Other" ?
i have video of a guy with infinite instant instaheal + speed hack