The previous list: I want to give a special thanks to the users who contributed their ideas in the comments of the previous list ❤: @Marik13 @TerminatorGuy @redhex45 @jester20k @Marc_go_solo @NoTerrorRadius @apathyinc @Mooks @Grimmy_Bluues @mildspice @WexlerWendigo @Elena
Thank you 💕
i would love to play as the queen Chanel Oberlin 😍
I was based on characters that I really like! but I missed many
There are a lot of characters that I forgot to consider, I'm sorry ☹
I really appreciate your comment, thank you very much 💕
I think the same, even if it is not a horror movie it could fit in the game, Shadowhunters is not a horror show either, but I also put it on my list
You may be right, as I said at the end, they are only ideas, although I would never lose hope to see them on the game 😅
wow, that would not have occurred to me! Ariana Grande is my favorite singer and playing as her would be a dream come true 😍
it would be fine, I really enjoyed that movie
you may be right, Laura is very scary
OMG, I'll see it 😱
I love the new millennium slashers, in game they would look great 😍
I'm sure one day we'll see Hannibal Lecter in the game 👌
I do not know that movie, I will have to see it
I imagined Godzilla running from the trapper 😂😂😂😂
Thank you very much! A Terminator chapter looks great 😍
I like how you think 👌 it would be very interesting to see a Bioshock chapter 😍
Thank you very much, I know I forgot many iconic characters, I put the ones I remembered at the time, the characters you added are great and would work very well with the game 😍
I also heard that, but I also wanted to put him on the list since for me he is still a great character in horror movies
good idea! it would never have occurred to me 😍
Imagine a match between Frank, Leon, Jill and Bill against Nemesis in Racoon City 😍🔥
that sounds interesting, i didn't get a chance to play amnesia (for now) but i know it's one of the best horror games
Wow, that would be a great addition to the game! Frank West is an iconic character like Leon or Jill. There is a big chance that we will see him in a near future 😍
thanks for the comment! I appreciate it