Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I'm not really up for anything that changes the whole dynamic of the game. Or that punishes everyone for the misdeeds of a few. Plus,if you know something can be abused,it's probably best not to implement it, because you know someone is going to find a way to use it to their advantage immediately,lol. That's just my…
  • As someone who is a disabled gamer as well,hats off to you for being able to overcome it. I know it's not easy. I'm not able to sit or lay down for more than a few moments at a time without severe pain. So usually I play a few matches and get up and walk around. After awhile I found that the games where actually helping…
  • Only other game I've played that long is Final Fantasy XIV Online. Think it's been about 4 years (I didn't start at launch) and have over 3500 hours on it. I probably have close to 1000 on all the Souls series combined. I don't think I have that much on DBD. I can't remember how far I got on PC. Right now on PS4 I'm like…
  • That's a very good question about the maps being darker. I remember it that way,but I've never been sure and never think to ask anyone. I played on PC real close to launch,and then like half the parts on my rig went and I switched to PS4. Then I took a long break and came back to PS4 like January or February. I feel like a…
  • I thought it was 20,so glad to see someone answer with exact stats. Felt like forever that's for sure lol.
  • Imagine you spent years of your life making a game and nothing you could ever do can please anyone,lol. I dunno. In a way I agree...but I try to cut them some slack with everything that's been going on. At least it was an attempt to get people playing a variety of characters. And you don't have to grind as hard. And you…
  • I've got so mad it was unbelievable at times. Mainly when I first got back to playing and kept getting matched against red ranks starting at rank 18. Then I get ones that want to be bullies. I just shut the game off. When I got really frustrated,I switched to survivor for awhile. I never once thought to message someone and…
  • I mean,I'll never truly know the answer until someone wants to admit they act like this and then tell me why themselves,you know? I'm not particularly good at anything. But I don't go around swearing at people,calling them names and stuff because I lost. Dude had to go to the trouble to try and send a message,realize he…
  • That's actually a really good point. I didn't even think about that. He's got a pretty meta build and couldn't best someone that was playing fair,running a low level killer basically adept with brown add ons,lol.
  • I actually started playing again after a long break because of people on the forums. So I definitely know there's good people here.
  • Trust me I wasn't intending to. I just always wondered about that specifically.
  • Ruin doesn't work so great anymore. I guess you gotta do whatever you gotta do to slow the game down. As long as you aren't breaking a real rule,I say whatever. I see good players run 4 perks that slow or regress gens. So I don't necessarily think someone is bad just because the game goes fast as you have to do something…
  • I've been playing a good while. Maybe like a year on PC and over a year on PS4. Just don't usually see hate on PS4. I've only had messages like that maybe 3 times on PS4. All on DBD,lol. On PC I would see stuff all the time. I was playing like a month or two after launch.
  • I tried to do the same but people started acting like jerks. They wanted to bully because apparently they thought I sucked,and not that I was intentionally trying to be nice. Anyways after early afternoon yesterday I haven't even seen anyone trying to get a crown. Seems like everyone went back to their licensed mains.
  • I mean the killers have a harder time with a lot of other aspects of the game,so in a way it seems fair to me. If the matchmaking is going to pair a yellow rank with a team of reds,why shouldn't they at least be able to get the crown and keep it? They probably aren't going to get a 4k. I main both. That's just my…
  • That's a possibility. Different hitboxes maybe. I thought they were all the same size,but I can't remember.
  • I rarely see one that doesn't camp. They do exist though. He needs some kind of rework or something to make him more viable. It's boring either way. You either sit on a hook and wait for your teammates to finish gens (if they are smart),or sit there and hold a single button doing a gen knowing there's no threat until the…
  • Oh they fixed the fences? Like you can't hit through em anymore?
  • Okay. So I'm guessing it's not there intentionally if it works different for everyone lol.
  • Um maybe. But they are able to get stuck really close to the railing. So like you could possibly go over while they stay there. So they are pretty much safe if you don't know they are going to do it, because now you are at the bottom and they are still at the top. I haven't tested if you are able to hit them from the top…
  • I tried being nice for about two matches. Then everyone wanted to act like jerks. Some people have a really crap attitude. Like "the killer isn't killing me so he either sucks or it's my godlike skill!" The others it's either they can't take a hint,or can't believe it's possible someone could try to be nice. Anyways after…
  • You guys think it's possible the survivors could load into the map before the killer? I was wondering that. Sometimes I load in as survivor,and see a survivor or two that aren't moving yet. I mean they could easily just be doing something else when the match starts and it takes them a few seconds to realize. It just…
  • I'm not positive. That's why I was asking. Even when he was near the edge it wouldn't connect. I didn't try a thousand times or anything,lol. Maybe like 5 or 6. He definitely went to that spot on purpose.
  • Well,I guess once you know. But in the moment you don't know if they are going to go the whole way over or not. So I suppose it's safer to assume they wont. I'm just saying if it's not intentionally put there,I label it as exploit. You can't hit em there,and if you go the whole way over and they don't,you got a long walk…
  • I saw some in the next level for almost all my characters. But the level after that sometimes had some and sometimes didn't.
  • Literally the only event where I can remember how I got the items lol. I swear.
  • Really? I feel like they are all pretty skinny. At least average size. Weird how perception works lol. Tapp is like the only one that seems bulky to me. I don't know why.
  • Yeah I just asked the other day and got those as answers but no source either. The one said the disabled it for when the crossplay comes,which made the most sense. Like someone on PS4 can't access a Steam profile anyway, etc.
  • I'm beat anyway. It keeps putting me against rank 1 killers. Every match I've tried so far. Doesn't usually do that. I'm low purple. Some of them I can see how they got to rank one. By being cheap lol. I appreciate that though,thank you very much. I wasn't sure if they literally meant original characters,like the first 7…
  • I heard they intentionally disabled it. Either to limit harassment messages,or because of crossplay coming up. Can you confirm it's a bug?
  • Can someone tell me what characters count? I tried Kate and apparently every single person in the match found the thing but me. As far as original,does it just mean all the ones that aren't from licensed chapters?
  • Yeah I'm not sure what that means exactly. Like the original ones when the game launched? Or original as in ones they created? Can anyone confirm a list?
  • I don't know if anyone answered but just in case. They have a thing on their site. I just googled "DBD 4th anniversary event". The items are log in bonuses. Looks like you get one every two or three days,8 in total. The first is a Deathslinger head. To get the crown you have to interact with a totem thing with the crown on…
  • Dwight one is easy. Just stay near when he picks up someone to hook them. Then get the save,if they don't camp. If they do stay there for a bit and then go do some work lol. The grab one is BS though. I don't know about on PC,but on PS4 it doesn't work half the time. Sometimes it starts the animation and does…
  • You had to grind to get some of these things? I already had a few of them and I don't even remember how I got them. Except for the Hallowed Blight ones.
  • I think Bubba needs a complete rework. He's really not much fun to play normal,then you see most people just camp with him. Maybe some kind of speed increase for the chainsaw,or for him period. Or maybe just think up a different kind of power,I dunno.
  • Highly doubt it. And even if it does,it sure lasted longer than most of the competition. Plus survived in a way better state. Most of the other games are pretty much dead,or sure should be. At best we'll see a new game when the new consoles are out. At worst an upgraded port. None of the reasons given really make any…
  • K thanks. Those ones on that side are the last ones I have besides the one to get a 4k. Sucks you can't do two at once lol. I think that all the time. Like I got a 4k while doing the Legion one,and I was chased for 45 seconds and escaped doing the Kate one. Would save the trouble of having to do it again. I appreciate the…
  • I can't get to the Dwight one because I'm not good at the flashlight blinds. I think that's the one right before it.
  • Thank you. I was able to get it first try. Just took self care. I don't think I ever got hit though. This helped to know. I just did Legions and got a perfect game while doing it. Off to a good start today,lol. Ran Legion Adept+Ruin.
  • I'd rather have adrenaline just personally. I've never used Hope in any of my builds.
  • Okay so if you have both characters from a DLC chapter and then bought that DLC chapter,in a few instances you would get absolutely nothing. But some of the characters come with an alternate outfit you get for buying the DLC. As far as I know they are all commons. Nancy comes with a Wafer Sweatshirt and Torn Sweatshirt for…
  • I think it would be more reasonable just to make the second chance perks work with the cage. It's no different from a hook in every other way but that. I think that's the easiest solution. Not being able to see the cage seems more unfair to me. It already spawns as far away from the killer as possible sometimes,and usually…
  • I've never heard of this guy in my entire life. Not trying to be mean or anything. There's a post like this everyday. It doesn't really sway me one way or the other. Even if the best well known players quit, whatever. As far as actual art,it's the best map they've ever designed,hands down. There's really no comparison,…
  • If you have one character but not the other,you're probably better off to just buy the other with shards or something. Especially if you don't care about cosmetics. None of the ones you get are all that amazing anyways. It's definitely cheaper to buy the whole DLC then to buy the characters separately. I ran into a similar…
  • I feel the exact same. Especially if it's not going their way. Sometimes they don't even wait to see how you are going to play though.
  • I mean there's no real point to even level them all to 50. Maybe once you have everything you want or need. I actually just asked for some suggestions on who to level first. Like you get all the teachables for a character by 40 so not much point going past that if you aren't going to use them.
  • I want to say it's even,but upon further reflection,yeah,it's probably just going to be survivors. They have a lot more things at their disposal. Since you can get killers that are low rank,there can sometimes be the excuse of "they just didn't know any better" that people frown on camping or whatever. As far as…
  • Everyone gets better. I was really really bad too. Now I can make it to purple as both roles. It is frustrating though. Especially when they have to be bullies on top.
  • In terms of what? Everyone that asks these questions leaves it too vague. In terms of actual design,lore,gameplay? I personally don't really like any of the male characters. If I absolutely had to pick one it'd be Tapp. Female,Kate or Feng Min.
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