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  • I actually just finished a match that SWF We're all looping me like crazy. Doing so well, that I had 0 hooks and they had 1 gen to go. They got cocky. 3 kept looping me and I took them all down. The. Ran to the 4th. Got him down. Then they all quit. So no. Slugging isn't always bad. Sometimes you need to
  • I haven't seen firecrackers in about 6 months 😅 I actually forgot they were a thing until you brought it up. And I agree with you. Much more useful
  • Don't worry so much about leveling. Just have fun. Do your thing. If you kill them all, you kill them all. If not, enjoy that you completed the rituals, and had fun. I play as doc mainly, and hardly kill all the survivors. I just have a blast shocking the map and listening to them scream. All I need in life.
  • I'm a doctor main. The reason for that is I have so much fun using him. Playing against, depending on the user, can be terrifying. But I feel that it's never boring. Would love to have more explanation
  • I wish that the load out would stop telling survivors who they're facing.
  • Wow! That's very detailed ☺️ As a Doc main, I will tell you that I push my terror radius as high as it'll go, and run around to shock everybody. Winning is actually my last priority. It's fun. So I guess I agree with everything you just listed, and may need to change my style with him
  • I'm horrible against both of them too! But as a Doc main, I will tell you that it's more for the static and less of actually winning for me. I laugh when he does. Just like making the entire map scream😅
  • I find that I've been accused of that. But as a killer main, I tend to focus on three gens that are closest together, and patrol those. My system is flawed for sure, but it keeps it intense for me. So in doing so, I feel that I run into the same survivor or two for the majority of the time. But hey, that's not my fault!