Trapper- Gives him the abillity to open closed traps without the need to pick them up with strg; Disarming a set trap now triggers a Skillcheck, failing that skillchek will trap the survivor in it. The difficultiy can be increased with the spring addons. Wraith- Moderdly incease movementspeed while cloaked. Myers: Stun and…
If giving him such a power, it should be trapcontrolled instead of being random in my opinion. Lets say, you give him 4? Trap kits. He can use them to trap chests and lockers. opening a trapped Locker/Chest, let the trap expode, causing the survivor to be revealed for 3 seconds(base) and also get the normal bottle debuff…
How about making him an complete new kind of killer to play against: Killer Kit: Movement speed: 120% Terrorradius: 5m Heigh: huge. Instead of fixing Generators, survivors have to find the 8 glues to power the exit gates. When a page is found, a new one will spawn on the map. (only one page is on the map at the same time.)…
How about giving them an repairdebuff for every page, that is missing 0 collected: 90% repair-debuff 1 :80% repair-debuff 2: 70% ; 3: 60% ; 4:50% ; 5:30% ; 6: 20% ; 7:10% ; 8:0% So they have to choose, how much Power there are willing to give you. I would give him 105% base Speed + 2% for every Taken Letter. giving him…
Maby someting like this: False objektive: A 8th Generator is placed on the map. That generator does not count to the needed Generators for the exit gates. This Generator will emit a yellow Aura, when someone is working on it while your outside of a 40/32/24m Radius.
I would make the area to pick up traps bigger and fix the trap auras. Then i would disarming Traps have a skill check. Failing the check traps the survivor in the trap. (Now Distressing would actually make sense on Trappy boy) The Skillcheck can be make more diffucult with the spring- addons, and i would loving to see a…