Cool! I’ll add you! And don’t worry about the ping, mine is bad also 😂
I’m from the USA and I would still definitely play with you but I understand if you’re looking for people from the EU!
Yes, definitely!! Let me know your ID and I’ll add you so we can play together :)
I am! I hear you, solo queue is so painful 😩 I’m always doing solo but really tired of it. And I added you :)
Cool! I play every day pretty much so I’m available a lot, usually ranging from 7 pm - 12 am CST during weekdays and more on weekends. I’ll add you on discord :)
Yes I am! My friend code is Nephele#140c or you can give me yours! And anyone else who would like to play can add me as well if they like :)
I’ll add you! I would really love to play with you !!
The more the better 😁 would love that!
Cool, sounds good! Let me know your ID so I can add you !
Even if at times being camped or tunneled can be not fun, I know it’s just a game so I just move on from it. And a good nurse player destroys 😂 but she’s definitely not toxic. Would love to play with you :)
Yes I am - would love to play with you :)
Added! I’m excited to game with you too :) Sorry for the late response - I broke my monitor but I finally got a new one !