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  • My correction your argument is sound. Throughout this tread i have been called ignorant and naive and slightly insulted because i refuse to believe this game will fold if the swf change happened. The ebb and flow of new players with new content only lasts for so long. Calling me thin skinned is insulting because i see your…
  • Naive, willfully ignorant, not wanted on forums. Because i believe this game should options. This is my last post on this tread. Insulting someone for have a different view then your own is the behaviour i am trying to tone down in this game. Wishing you all a good week.
  • Fair. You see swfs as an option. I don't agree. 👍I have given reasons you refuse to acknowledge. But the killers face may change even perk addons. But if the game play doesn't evolve then the game grows stagnant. Map changes are nice and all but its not growth.
  • Again forcing the swf option.
  • Not a buddy. But we disagree. 👍I think it would open the game up.
  • I disagree whole heartedly that the game would lose HALF its players. Why would killers prefer to opt out of swf? What possibly could chase killers to solo queues? The reasons to keep swfs as a forced option are bad examples. Omg killers would overpower us. Nooo the game would fold and die off. Only swfs can save us. They…
  • *Survivor pool was bigger. * it would be a possibility.
  • If the survivor was bigger is a possibility. Everytime dbd drops new known killers. But they(new players) only stay so long. Devs need to figure that why new players bounce. But i think you and i know why. Too much toxicity optioning out swfs would bring those numbers down drastically. Not getting rid of swfs but giving…
  • I do agree that a new tutorial needs to be updated. But a swf opt out would Hurt the game. How? Faster solo lobbies. New player retention is almost a given. Swfs might have a bit of a wait. I still believe it would benefit the overall game more then hinder.
  • You never know unless you try. Plus if they ever want to attract and retain new players some changes to the swf mode will have to change in some way to compete and gain a bigger following. Not remove just more options.
  • Game mode vs game perks or offerings are not the same thing. Your a swf keeper got it. I am not. My vote is for options in game mode. I personally think dbd would gain more new players if this was an option. No killers would not rein supreme. I do think toxicity would go down a lot. Killers and solo players would see more…
  • Call me naive i am more then alright with that. But it should be an option. You may play casual matchs but because you want casual mean others have to endure or be forced to deal with toxic swfs? Or solo survivors have to survive against a killer and fellow teammates? That's not really balanced then is it?
  • Exactly the killer really has no choice. I play both and i see the same thing time and time again. Killer is in the lobby red timer ticks down and bam flashlights and sabo toolboxs. Ds and exhaustion perks and unbreakable with bt of course. Survivor solos have to deal with being being bagged and tagged by the swf team they…
  • I think it would be a good thing. Some killers would play against swfs for the option to go against 3-4 players with an advantage to keep skills sharp knowing full well toxic is a high possibility. As well as solo queue survivors who have to elevate their games if they feel like the killers would decimate them if this…
  • That is a one sided thought. The other us dbd needs new players not only to play but to buy dlcs a well. But need players leave for various reasons. But having to deal with the toxic element in this game is a huge reason. They can't retain new players. The swf mode is too negative and slows the game from getting bigger. It…
  • Absolutely it would be the path of least resistance but also some would elevate their own skills instead of relying on the swf option. Not all killers are op same can be said for survivors. The option should be available! why are so many freaked about this option. Again i am not saying get rid of swfs. Just give all…
  • Do the players or killers have an option or choice to play against or with swfs? No so then it's forced. Why do you think we have an influx of new players come and then leave. There is not huge learning curve. There is no balance\choice. Both sides feel the swf negativity.
  • It may happen or not. But most see the problem with swfs. The devs are just delaying it. Why? Because the mode is just too toxic. Again not saying get rid of it. Just allow players to choose to engage with swfs.
  • I can see some of those change ideas helping. I see newbies come in and i make friends with them. Help them out and try support the game, but so many left after the stranger thing dlc dropped because of the high levels of toxicity. (I would rather get one player telling me i suck after a match, then four attacking me) and…
  • I use to think getting in to red ranks would be great. But not so much. I am more a survivor then killer main. But it's true the one thing i noticed on both ends is a lot of swfs suck and ruin the game for fellow players. No side is even. Perks and changes to add ons and moris won't change treating teammates or killers…
  • Your right about one thing i can leave. But i make an effort to not be a hole. A solo queue is balancing the field imo. You think different but a fair amount of this treads responses agree changes NEED to happen. New players leave because of the toxicity. New players are treated horribly and don't stay because the devs…
  • That is great. Thanks for the info.👍
  • Okay so you can play with your friends. Screw the rest of us killers and solo players that don't like being FORCED to play with or against swfs. Awesome. Bubble bursted you win. P.S a lot of people despise having to play against swfs. It's NOT fun for us. I love the blind arrogance in statements like killers would have it…
  • Why would killers opt out of swf matches??? Because they are toxic af and everyone knows it. Can't survive without friends? Geez. Simply put. YES the option should be there. Forced toxicity should not be a brand.
  • I agree swfs have huge advantages. But giving options to players to avoid playing with or against swfs is more of a balance. If solo players queues are faster and swfs slower that tells the devs all the information they need but might not want to know. Toxic players will still play toxic but they have to do their own dirty…
  • Exactly. Swfs should not be a forced part of the game. Survivors and killers should be provided options when it comes to swfs.
  • I agree about with you about the solo player assessment. More then a few new players i've run into quit because of the toxic swf as survivor or killer. They just don't think it's worth it. If bhvr did a survey on new players that don't play anymore. I believe toxicity would be the #1 reason.
  • Why would killers only play solo queues? Because they are tired of toxic swfs? It would kill the game. Really? I don't think it would. I think it would balance it. Because there would be choices for solo players currently and new incoming that won't have to endure the swf option unless they want too. The game has more then…
  • Thank You devs one bug i will appreciate. 😊😄😍😍😍😍