
So since they are charge the gens then I think there should be less hooks on the maps to make it fair to both sides


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  • ive been play day 1 like i said and if you take the time a read and not assume its easy to play killer then suvivor like the killer has to do is hunt down the survivor and kill them while the survivor has to do 5 gens and open a exit gate and not get killed if you look at this killers has better perks then survivor im rank…
  • survivors have it harder then killer your are some something else 5gens open exit gates hide from killer all killer has to do is hook someone and then do it again like i was say killer is easy to play im rank 1 killer ive played all killers some harder then other but not that hard to play your mosy be like not long time…
  • will if you dont like it dont post it seem everone take stuff out of content killer is eay to play and dose not take skill to do if your new then yea but survivor take more skills 5gens and have to open a gate to escape while try to not die plus
  • what dose devotion have to do with anything and killer is easy tunnel or camp or slug all the survivor and then hook them plus all the hooks are so close its easy to do so you might not be as good of a killer then
  • i have im rank 1 killer and its easy i played a swf and killed them all
  • i bet most of the people that read this is killer mains or anything about a killer needs nerf is a killer main so when someone say the survivors need a buff or take a gen away or something they get all mad say that survivors are op and not need anything but the killers need a buff yes i understand that freed need a rework…
  • yes i play both side all killers have to do is tunnel and camp and run noed ruin or whetever they want to run and it gg but for survivor you have to do 5 gens and save the other play or not if you think not save anyone is the best out come of save yourself then yea its easy but when i play with a good team its always the…
  • plus killer cry about everything ive not seen a rework or a buff to the survivors at all so
  • will killers dont take no skill to play all you have to do is run noed and other op perks and its easy game plus killer main are so easy to get salty when the truth hunts so if you dont like my post then dont say anything at all ive been play day 1
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