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  • I love this post. That explains perfectly the reason I play DbD. All my matches are like this. After all, we, killers and survivors, are just trying to have fun. Specially when I play survivor with my friends, we always praise the killer in the end chat. And its very surprising, because the most "toxic" killers turns out…
  • Lol thats funny! I like that name. Btw, I agree with your opinion. I also used to play a game that displayed your DC ratio for everybody in the lobby. They also rewarded people with low DC ratio with cool badges :)
  • A game mode with two weaker killers so they don't feel alone, and also experience teamplay. Sorry if this idea is dumb, I just miss someone to play together as killer :)
  • Wow, thats a really cool topic :). All I wish was DbD having a healthy and happy community. To help that, I hope devs stop implementing the game based on that "humiliating the opposite side is fun" philosophy. If you pay attention, they purposely implement the game on top of that, so people try to get good so they can…
  • If you are in lower ranks: when I started playing, I used to tunnel without knowing it was a bad thing, because I used to see an injured person and a healthy one. Naturally I picked the injured (easier target). I also didn't memorize who was the hooked one. (Sorry). Now if you are in red ranks, there is also the strategic…
  • Thats sad :(. Once I played against an OoO + tbag team , as hag. Did I kill all four? Yes. Did I have fun? Absolutely not, it was a very frustrating match. They should understand there is a huge difference between winning and having fun.
  • I agree 100% with you. I have much more fun losing in a healthy match than winning in a toxic match. And the higher your rank, higher the chances you get into a toxic match. I got rank 1 with almost zero losses and yet stopped playing killer. Now, as a survivor, I die every game and still have fun with my friends.
  • Even as a PC Player I support this topic. I always wanted to play this game on console (looks more confortable). But I never tried. Because im afraid of buying the game and end up having all this negative experience.
  • What is the problem are you trying to solve? If the problem is just getting some random answers for the question "why a killer should have a one-shot in their base kit?". Maybe one answer is simply because its fun for the killers. This answer the question? yes. This is fact and you don't have to agree? yes. This is enough…