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  • Not suggesting it’s turned on permanently for everyone. Just for people who play with friends to make it more fun.
  • Absolutely I just think it would be a new fun element that people could do. The Devs would have to make so both sides agree to proximity chat just in case either the survivor wasn’t comfortable with killer listening or if the killer wasn’t comfortable being listened to. it would just offer a new fun extra option for…
  • The main reason for me is that coms is pretty boring and we’ve been doing that since the game released. Proximity chat would just be a fun thing that people could tap into if they wanted to. I’m not suggesting it’s better for trying to sweat the game out of course people can still use standard discord or parties but that…
  • I agree with making WGLF easier. At the moment the work that killer has to do for BBQ in comparison to WGLF isn’t balanced and I do generally get between 25k to 30k every game but that’s half of what I always I get when I play killer. Make WGLF more viable as a compromise. as someone who does play both sides I do still…
  • But if they added it and you had the option to turn it completely off then you wouldn’t have to worry about it being cringey. Just have it for friends like I say then you won’t have to deal with music or anything you stated. I’m not suggesting it become a major part of the game like it is in among us just a fun thing for…
  • Honestly, the main problem I have is, “we’re gonna live forever”. Yes it will have the same affect of BBQ if you can get the tokens but it’s not balanced in comparison to ease and work load. To get BBQ the killer just has to do their one and only primary aim, hook survivors. However when playing survivor your team has to…
  • As someone who plays a lot of killer it can be frustrating when survivors 99% the door then come barging in with borrowed time, DS and other perks so perhaps mor incentive to be selfish isn’t a bad thing
  • I specified that it wouldn’t work with the hatch and I’m not talking about necessarily it being a massive multiplier like 2 or 5 percent each game.