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  • DS really isn't an issue. The 60 seconds go by a lot faster than you think and the "60 seconds of invulnerability" is such a stupid complaint. When you're playing killer you can slug or just not deal with the survivor if they jump into a locker. They're wasting their time, don't waste yours. I can't remember the last time…
  • Most of the time you are at a pallet or window, spirits try mindgaming it to get you. That's when seeing the shards glow and her skin shimmer is useful. I can't remember the last time a spirit has successfully mindgamed me unless I mess up. I'm sorry but the "if you're that close it means you're dead" appears to be a sad…
  • I believe that the part of it not working on some cosmetics is a bug, but i have seen it on multiple skins. It's a designed feature to show when she is phasing, and it helps a lot when playing a Spirit.
  • If you're far away, you hear the phasing noise. If you're close, you don't hear anything at all. If you see her, she shimmers white which is hard to miss. If she's phasing, you can still hear her footsteps and bushes move. There are a lot of ways to tell that she is phasing, a lot of people just don't pay attention.
  • The howl and character itself isn't bad, however the turncoat would be very complicated and somewhat annoying to go against.
  • 1. The best killer mains don't run devour constantly, quite frankly most killers don't. If they do it's for a specific build or a requested one. You show how out of the loop you are if you truly believe that it is a meta perk at this point of the game. 2. You constantly reassure yourself in your comments. "I've shot down…
  • I wasn't trying to be rude to you, just stating my opinion. Sorry if it came off as rude to you. I personally believe it should tell the survivors when they are exposed and it should be on a timer, not permanent until the totem is broken. There's been many games where a survivor finds the totem, killer gets them, then they…
  • I've been a rank one killer this entire season. I've been playing for well over a year. 3 hooks is not hard if you're a decent killer. You don't have to defend your totem if you apply enough pressure, but you clearly wouldn't know what that's like. Stop trying to over compensate for something by calling everyone…
  • How many solo survivor games do you truly have all 5 broken (without you bringing stuff to specifically counter totems)? There are games where you can't even find a lit totem because there are some insanely good spawns. Just tonight I spent my time trying to find totems because of this discussion, each game I broke 3-4…
  • I have yet to see a survivor play stupidly just because they have ds. I have been rank 1 this entire season (besides the first few days getting back after reset), I watch tons of streams, videos, etc. If a survivor plays stupidly with ds by jumping into a locker, you can ignore them or just eat it so they don't have it for…
  • So much work is 3 hooks? and you have the audacity to call other people bad players? Also, if you could read, i asked what other survivor perks were second chance perks. I never stated that Devour hope is a second chance perk, it's one of the best perks in the game. What luck does Devour hope take? You hook someone and…
  • That's broken matchmaking, and how would you know they're rank 1 swf prior to the game? I'm sorry but that just doesn't make sense.
  • Besides DS, unbreakable, and Adrenaline what second chance perks do survivors get? Survivors have good perks, but they are nothing compared to killer perks. Devour hope, make your choice, haunted grounds, and noed alone are stronger perks than any perk survivors have.
  • I was on Hawkins and cleansed 4 totems and couldn't find the 5th one (the devour hope). I checked every cheeky spot and still couldn't find it. Some spawns are ridiculous and others are invisible.
  • The perk was designed for when the game was extremely unbalanced. I'm sorry, but if you can't get at least two kills you're just a terrible killer that doesn't deserve to pip or safety pip. Ds isn't as good as it once was, if you spread pressure you don't have to worry about it (Don't Tunnel). BT only activates when you're…
  • Ah yes, you should run a perk that you might not even need in order to prevent a poorly designed perk that isn't necessary anymore (in terms of the game being more balanced than when it was released). Also, when you're busy healing, being chased, or doing the objective sometimes there isn't time to run around the map to…
  • Botany knowledge, BT (which is only useful if the killer camps/ tunnels), iron will and plunder (i believe that's the name). Sometimes I'll throw on we'll make it, but that's really it. Why do you ask?
  • The reason survivors jump in a locker with ds is to prevent being slugged. Most of the time the killer slugs the survivor that was just unhooked and doesn't pick them up to prevent getting hit with it. It's not a big issue unless you only have one survivor left
  • as a killer main, noed shouldn't be in the game. It's a stupid way to give bad killers more kills, resulting in them being boosted into higher ranks. "Do the bones" is a sad counter, especially with the inconsistent totem spawns. All 4 survivors shouldn't have to go around the map to find 5 dull totems just to protect…
  • I play ps4 and it's really not that bad. 1. DC is punishable now, so there's a lot less. I see people who purposely kill themselves on hook because they get salty often but there are very few actual DCs. 2.The matchmaking does need some work. For example, when I was a rank 8 killer I only faced rank ones. Now I'm rank 3…
  • I am the same, but for once I actually had a perfect game while BPS were active. I was playing Freddy with survivor pudding and the survivors brought 2 BPS and an envelope that gives 25% BP to all players (forgot the name). I ended the game with a perfect 32,000 score against all rank 1/2 survivors. I was crying tears of…
  • Another note: Prestiging also causes additional problems to the blood web and poor add ons. For example, I enjoy being a little toxic as survivor, and I have gone through 3 lvl 50 blood webs to get another flashlight but I continue to get brown tool boxes, medkits and add ons I already have. I haven't gotten another map in…
  • I do see the problem with some killers having that cooldown. It probably won't be implemented, but if it was they would have to sift through the killers powers to see which ones would be affected and if they should be. The least i can hope for is better add-ons for the lunge recovery for demo, it feels insanely long,…
  • It would be hard to implement, and truthfully I don't see it ever getting implemented because of the complexity. You would have to break down every killers power that involves hitting the survivor and see which ones one be applicable, which is something I don't even want to investigate lol. Thank you for your thoughts!