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  • I completely stopped playing in December 2023, but i already stopped playing on a daily basis somewhere in autumn 2023. Mostly because i started to dislike the DBD-feeling (the feeling of being powerless and getting treated unfairly, only to switch sides and repeat the cycle again) and generally it just felt not fun…
  • I'm in no position to argue about the current state of the game, because i haven't played the game in months and can't really bring myself to come back because of all the stuff, perk changes and new content i have missed. It just feels very bad when you come back to your former favourite game and you don't understand…
  • that's definitely not the higher MMR solo surv experience :D
  • Just play out of the ordinary and learn how to locate the direction she's coming from via her whoosh sound, without headphones though this will be tough i guess. Do different things and don't get predictable. Run through a pallet and start to walk or keep running if you think she's close, many will predict-m1 into the…
  • It's like this since i remember, i don't think it's a bug. It's basically counterplay to Shadow Dance Wraiths
  • "The power role" has become synonymous with "i'm entitled and supposed to win most of the time because i want to". No, i don't think that 80% of the participants of a match should just expect to lose because "well this is Dbd you're supposed to lose it's a dying-simulator" - no it's not, never has been and never will.…
  • Nowhere to Hide is a kinda cheap perk anyway and you're not supposed to go around and kick gens in order to find a survivor. If your tracking is so bad that you need this perk to find anyone, it's a you-problem. It's still good enough because even when playing this perk i never regressed a gen 8 times or more. No gen is…
  • Killer is so easy nowadays that you can do whatever you want and still 4k, of course there will be a good 4man here and then but since i came back (took a 6 month break) i haven't lost a single killer game but escaped barely as survivor (made about 10-15 matches on each side), i can only play this game for 2-3 matches…
  • Actually one of those guys said that it's too easy to be good on this killer but i'm not gonna namedrop here and make you snitch. And that's also my opinion btw (ex-comp player with 4k hours, even though that doesn't mean anything). Xeno reminds me a little bit of old Freddy (not old-old Freddy), has much going for him but…
  • I've talked with 2 comp players and both admitted that this Killer is just overtuned. Basically, it's too easy to have great results. He is better than the other "pallet-counter" Killers like Huntress, Slinger or Nemesis AND he is 115% AND he has mobility AND he has his Power relatively fast. There ist also no big…
  • Yea i kinda miss old Dbd but this could also be part nostalgia. I always found ways to play around old meta stuff back then and both sides felt more fun to me. I could play solo without getting mad every time. Killer was more of a challenge, sometimes unfair, but it was more exciting somehow. It feels kinda stale right now…
  • There is no way you can put things like this into stats (this goes to Chaos_Brother and you). They probably only save the big data/ meta data, so things like pick rates, kill rates, perk/ add-on usage rates are easy to extract, but for things like those you mentioned you would have to watch the matches or analyze them in…
  • The feel of the game has changed compared to 2-3 years ago but i'm not sure why that is, probably a combination of things: old rank system made the game more casual and surprising, as rank was more a sign of high playing time than "skill" (not that the current SBMM is based on skill, but it made both sides sweat for kills…
  • In 99% of the cases were players use the term "genrush" it wasn't anything like that. Killers play not efficiently or have bad RNG (bad map, bad spawns etc) and think the survs did something extraordinay, but what are survs supposed to do if they don't get chased or have to unhook anyone? They just do the objective. A…
  • Killers don't need anything right now except for maybe changing unfun mechanics or perks. If you can't win 7 out of 10 matches then it's a you-problem, sorry. Just play efficiently and you should win most games. There was a time when this game was definitely surv sided and you could load into a solo surv match and have a…
  • same happened to me
  • Spirit is also soundbugged again, survivors don't scream anymore when you hit them (not in every game but i had it happened today and a friend too, but i don't know what it triggered) which feels very weird and also takes away some of the tracking potential (especially if you immediately go into phase after the hit)
  • true, but THEORETICALLY you should get worse opponents than those "8 hours a day"-killers. The thing is that MMR doesn't really do it's job right now because they want to get you into a game as quickly as possible. I stand by my point that killer is fine right now, it's not like OP or something but it's not horrible to…
  • Pain Res is strong if used correctly. People only say this because they miss the times were perks would win them whole matches, but a perk should only support you and not be the sole reason you dominate a match. I'm not cool with all of their changes but i think the general idea of nerfing strong perks and buffing weak…
  • There are literally streamers who proved last week that you can 4k over 20 times in a row without any power (playing trapper without traps and add ons but with Pop+Pain Resonance). I barely lose as killer and i have played this game during times (2020) when i defo lost more games than i won. Killer doesn't "suck" right…
  • Wraith is good noob stomper. He will always 4k against unaware survivors who don't know how to m1-loop and how to play it save. That's why a lot of people think he is strong. But (depending on the map) his anti loop is almost useless against good opponents, you will eat through a lot of pallets. Yes hit&run got buffed, but…
  • I think the killer meta (Pop+Pain Res) is very strong right now. I barely lose when i sweat, even with killers where i'm not used to the mechanics a lot. Survivor on the other side is heavily focused on SWF gameplay, even more than before. 2 years ago you could carry a solo squad with a good chase and DS+DH. Now all of the…
  • Tunneling is the only way to win against good teams who sit on gens. I've tried so many times to play fair and left the tunnel-out alone, only to be punished by those teams. But in some games it's kinda unnecessary and i'd rather have a game with everyone being happy and getting some BP than finish the game at 4 gens left…
    in Tunneling Comment by solidhex July 2023
  • i took a break for some weeks because the game felt stale and i came back today because of a friend and our experience was the same. The thing is, very mediocre killers who couldnt even 2k two years ago can easily 4k now consistently because the game makes it so easy for them against anything but a 4man swf with 4 decent…
  • Of course there are more skillful and less skillful players, but it's really hard to determine in a single game. I've stomped teams and got stomped by the same. It really depends on the loadouts and the RNG (maps, tiles etc). It's also hard for me to congratulate someone who's stomping public solo squads with Blight and…
  • Dude, no one gets deadharded that often. If people still get deadharded like 3-4 times every match after the nerf it's definitely a YOU-problem, maybe don't immediately swing if a survivor switches directions. There is only one situation where DH is useful and that is when running through pallets, and even that is kinda a…
    in imagine Comment by solidhex May 2023
  • i had (or have) the same issue, first i thought it was DDoS attacks by dead survivor (it always happened when playing against obvious swf's and trying to hook someone) but i never had any general internet problems, only Dbd crashed for a second ("Disconnected from the server") and put me into lobby again but i could…
  • Normal solo squad, it gets bad If survivors combine actual skill with those items but if not then those items do nothing except maybe the survs are dying at 1-2 gens left instead of 3-4
  • Play Corrupt, it makes your early game much better, which is an essential part of a successful game
  • oh ok, i skipped that...
  • The same can be clearly said for most killer mains. They lose to a coordinated team which played well or they messed up and then it's automatically the fault of some perk Probably wouldnt be an issue in NA but in Europe we have almost 50 different countries who all speak a different language. Some of those don't want or…
  • No one in public games ever flashlight-burned a Nurse or Artists birds. It was only a problem for Wraith and maybe Hag (the one in hundred times you see a Hag....). Only skilled players did this to Nurse and it felt fair because it was risky (if you fail you get hit) and she is already way too strong.
  • Why should anyone play overzealous? This perk will never become meta. It's not really worth it, you have to find a totem first, cleanse it and then it's like 10% (hex totems are not that common anymore like they were 2 years ago) which isn't a great game changer. It also deactivates once you get a hit which will happen…
  • Let's just wait, it's the first days of a new patch, the game feels messy and everyone tries out new things, but soon it will be more balanced. But yeah in the few games i played they couldn't finish more than 1-2 gens every game... Also i'm pretty sure MMR needs to re-arrange.
  • no, it's not, it's not limited to 90 seconds and it doesn't deactivate when you touch a gen or heal.
  • he was bit too strong back then after they nerfed most of the maps and buffed killers, but they nerfed him too hard Maybe not really hot takes, but: there will never be a vital competitive DBD scene because this game isn't made for comp, that's why the tournaments have to create so many rules and ban lists the next patch…
  • it's still a useable combination because in tight matches you will have multiple gens being worked on
  • i still use it and i think it's fine when you go down near a pallet or window (which happens fairly often) but i agree, stun should be a bit longer. The reason why i use it is, it counters early hits right after unhooks (eg if the killer camps) which make For The Record and DH worthless.
  • You need to take advantage of the survivors either being injured all game, which is a quite underated advantage (i usually doing fine as legion because there will be the one moment where you see 1 or 2 survivors being outzoned, easy down), or having to heal for a long time which means they're not doing gens. That's at…
  • those stats don't say anything, and they're one of the reasons this game is unbalanced. You can not just look at numbers but don't know how to interpret and use them. Blight is one of the hardest to learn killers and according to the stats, Nurse is one of the weakest killers in the game, but i guess everyone with over…
  • I've played comp for a year and blight is one of the few killers who has most good perks forbidden for him in tourneys. He is the only killer besides Nurse who regularly 4ks even the best teams. Yea it takes time and dedication to be that good but once you reached that level he is far from being "fine", either they nerf…
  • Understandable, there is no reason to play against a good sweaty blight because the chances of winning for solo survs are very low. It's just a fact. Downs usually come way too fast especially once the good pallets are gone.
  • true, but it takes a perk slot which means no Prove or Adrenaline or DS or OTR or.... Having to heal with a teammate is far better for the killer because it generally slows down the game and it also requires coordination by the team which means solo-players will likely bring perks like Bond, Empathic Connection, Empathy...…
  • these changes are great and it seems like you don't understand what those changes even mean for the game. making altrustic heals worth it, but self-heals not, will slow down gens a bit. Besides that, interrupting a team-heal is very powerful especially with Mangled status effect it's a passive buff to perks like Nurses…
  • Considering that a successful Dead Hard isn't even guaranteed, this perk definitely got nerfed hard. I mean, before you could sometimes use it more than once before getting downed (if the killer left you for someone else), or you could have it in first chase, allowing 3 gens to pop sometimes. Besides that, you shouldn't…
  • This is hard to judge without seeing you play, i rarely lose games as killer but i'm also very experienced and know what to do when games are close. If a team REALLY goes for gens then there is not that much you can do on some maps, especially if they know how to counter camping and tunneling, eg if they're wiling to…
  • I understand their plans to get rid of the gen regression meta and focus more on chases or risk/reward plays (heal for a long time or stay injured until Adrenaline kicks in), but the problem is the gen ression meta will just switch to other perks, for example the gen block perks (Dead Mans Switch, Deadlock, Corrupt…
  • since always. it's not terrible but it's way to complicated to play around it in an efficient way. You basically can't tunnel even if you need to, and the repair speed nerf is gone once you injure/hook the person again. It may work in a perk setup with perks that are specifically aimed at hooking 4 people (No Way Out and…