Are you guys working on something to fix Huntress in dedicated servers? She feels extremely unfair for both sides since you get hit by hatchets that shouldn't have hit and some others go right through you.
The new Kate outfit is absolutely amazing but it's completely ruined by the hat on her back. I refuse to buy it literally just because of that, it's hideous.
I've had zero problems with bugs or fps drops with new doc. I don't play killer much but going against him seems pretty smooth even considering the massive lag problems with dedicated servers lol. You forgot to specify the platform you play on but I've had no issues.
I really like this idea. It would be a great step towards balancing SWF and doesn't really touch gen speed. This combined with the toolbox adjustments should massively improve the game's health.
This happened to me once but the match ended as soon as it started lmao can't believe it's still happening.
I really don't know what the point of this thread is but as a survivor main it's very obvious how blatantly overpowered SWF is. I spent all my Sunday afternoon practically bullying killers cause I was playing with my friends and even though I never t-bag or do anything that could be considered toxic there was no way any of…