Fair enough, as long as it’s confirmed and it comes soon. I’ll be happy for now. I got a month or two before my game pass thing expires, so I’m sure I got time.
Ok so cool I'm not the only one having this issue.
Update: Seems it doesn't happen with no addons. I guess I'm gonna plan to report the bug.
I am sort-of familiar with the advantages it gives compared to 16:9, but like I said I’m only interested in trying it out since I’ve played games in the past with 4:3 stretched, mainly CS:GO.
Yeah, I’ve had that issue on the PC Windows Store version of DbD when playing SWF. And like Groot said, restarting the game does fix it.
Yeah sometimes I play killer and end up with higher ranked people, my killer rank is 13, and I end up with games with red & purple players, even went with a whole red ranks once. I mean although it does suck, at least they don't shove it in your face. They just go along the lines of "nice matchmaking", and such. Some of…
Yeah, I agree with all of that. And considering I barely have any DLC (only The Cannibal & this Tome's pass.) And I don't have all the money in the world at the moment due to, well you can guess. I just think it would be a nice change, as it doesn't require players to purchase/grind their respective DLC to do one…