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  • This is what we need in this game. people like u make the game better for both sides. i like it! and im with ya!
  • She already have fatigue... why adding cooldown ? and she is slow AF.. the only way to reach survivors is blinking.. now u CANT make any mistake.. it can cost u the entire match.. before she was more agile, effective.. felt like a KILLER.. not a teacher playing tag with kids
  • addonless? yeah i can play but as i said before.. its much stressfull and painful.. not fun at all
  • if im bad with her how i can manage strong SWFs? with addons ?? and how i was able to do it with her addonless before the changes?
  • for me is hard to have fun.. Gens are so fast.. and when u find survivors that know how to counter nurse u just fall in disgrace..
  • Yeah.. Looks like that... this game is only fun for survivors.. But i totally hate the cooldown mechanic.. and she still have fatigue? ######### Before.. survivor made a mistake.. u punish him by blinking fast enough.. now ? u will try to blink and the second blink goes to basement WHILE U AIM UP and u need to get fatigue,…
  • im a 300h Killer rank 10 and i always face red ranks or purple ALWAYS. in 10 games there is like 1 or 2 wihout one or more red survivors. as a survivor i managed to go straight to rank 1 but with killer i cant get forward because of that.. this is really frustrating..
  • Nurse wasn't easy... when u face potato surv ok but against good ones it was pretty hard to catch them. specially for a new nurse. and yeah her basekit was strong but not too strong.. the problem was the addons.
  • Why they're doing this to us?? (killers) They did that with Nurse.. she was already really hard to master.. and really stressfull to play as.. now she is even harder.. more stressfull and really frustrasting to play as. I was learning well with her.. after a good time practicing i was doing well.. now i dont really want to…
  • i think spirit needs a look, yes.. she need to be more scary.. she is a [BADWOrd] ghost.. but i can agree with the rest
  • mah man.. dont play with that xD they already do unecessary changes without asking for.. xD xD
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