That's a very good question. If you miss the BNP skill check you still get a little value so there should definitely be something. I'll have to think on it.
I like the idea of a timer or a cooldown (as someone else said) beyond 10 seconds would be reasonable.
That was also my thinking. Thanks for commenting.
Yes, the only thing I don't really care for the infinite 3 gen monitoring at the tail end of the trial. Those buff you made are great. I'm sure she'll be monitored and adjusted just like the rest of them over time.
thank you
i like that idea
thank you
i like that idea
A timer would be a good idea yes.
That's definitely what I said by posing a simple question.
"We" aren't trying to nerf anything. I just posed a question. Thanks for answering.
Cool, thanks.
So just me then. Cool.
Why they don't make the outdoor maps have a nighttime AND daytime mode based on the local servers time of day is beyond me.
Hatch should spawn after five minutes of two survivors left, but a key should be required until 1 of you dies then it should spring open so you can race the killer to it.
Place well and use that add-on that makes random traps reset after 2 seconds.
It's possible to get Merciless with every killer. You just have to practice enough. It just takes getting used to their power. Checking out Otz's Killer builds spreadsheet also helps with that.
If only we could trade offerings.
Don't worry, they aren't putting RPD badges in the bloodweb anymore. After weeks of not seeing one, while needing this one achievement for the platinum trophy I can confirm this.
That's nice for those of us one away from the platinum trophy who need this one stupid achievement to get it. Hats off to you. :stands on a hill and slow claps:
yup i typed "gg myers" the other day and it came out "gg ####", that's when the argument started.