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  • I agree about the ruin thing at the end of the day killers rely on this way to much and for no good reason either yeah at red rank you may see 4 survivors with toolkits rushing u but let's say for argument sake you come across 4 without toolkits ruin can still easily be counted and in red ranks ruin normally is instant…
  • Yeah alot of people saying SWF groups are broken really shouldn't be playing at this point there not gonna restrict groups of people because they actually got friends and there sure ain't gonna buff killer or need survives you know how many times I ran into groups of 4 and won? More then I lost why because they all stick…
  • If a killer decides to camp they can end of and you shouldn't even need to ask them why they are camping and at the same time they shouldn't say I saw marks (if they didn't) camping is good and bad for example I'm a survivor main and I love to save hooked survivors even if there stupid but if I see them being camped well…
  • If someone is purposely losing then report them and if they continue then the Devs will decide to punish or not the whole idea of changing the game tho to stop this is stupid imo as it's a mechanic the killer still gets the kill and points
  • I think the fact your comparing 2 mechanics one that punishes people for greifing the other for people wanting to leave by a legit way is silly players have the right to leave if they want to it's a game there's no way stating THEY HAVE TO stay as long as they can let's say they just don't like the killer or map then ok…
  • The true is tho there is no punishment for suicidieing on hooks as they are using a mechanic in the game that's been there since release and they could be doing it for multiple reasons and we don't know all the reasons either with dcing the killer loses the points for killing them and anything building up at least with…
  • @TAG you gotta think about the fact it's there choice to make like if they wanna struggle they have that right 2 if they don't wanna spam they have that right to now let's say there's 2 survivers left one on hook one at hatch so it's ok for the person on hook to rush for them ? But any other time it's not allowed and…
  • At the end of the day we all spent money on this game so we have the right to in a sense do what we want I been in games we done 0 gens and 2 dead one on hook so I hide in locker by gate and when hatch is shut do gate and win the point is yeah if people wanna do the game there way they can and if it fails and they suicide…
  • So first off this is my first post so go easy on me and I'm dyslexic so don't be like you can't spell as yeah I'm dyslexic your point but I'm a solo player and I enjoy playing surviver and I've had games like others where u get caught straight away and get hooked and after getting hooked your assume your be saved well…
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