What I tried to say with this post is just pretty simple, dont be stupid towards the people who plays the game, you don´t know what the other person is going through, and if you are still being toxic towards people who plays the game just because they aren´t as good as you oh your lord majesty, just maybe you shouldn´t…
Also i´d like to add that before it wasn´t like that and i love to give hatch for example when a surv is good at looping or goes for a save even if it ends up in that surv getting hooked, i played against ttvs and ended up chilling with them in their chat and keeping the game as wholesome as i could, but it´s like giving…
It´s not about not being able to handle what happens in the game, it´s the fact for example that you chase someone for like 2 pallets for example, then suddenly all the gens pop at once and then they start to harass you in the endgame chat, i decided to keep the post a bit shorter than i´d like to, but it´s not like it´s…
I think they could track things like the tbag, find how many times did they press the CTRL key and how fast, the lantern click, that kind of stuff is done in other games, they could also implement something like that, or create like a video of the game where the mods can watch and check for that stuff, and yet they could…