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  • I second this suggestion. We need separate volume controls for the menu. Apart from the incessant chirping, there's the deafening bloodweb sound effects, too. Having to turn the volume down and up again constantly is not ideal, especially because the slider cannot be set in an instant, it takes some time.
  • Good fun, it's an easy and obvious but also completely worthwhile Modifier that I for one would hope will be returning more often or even become a mainstay. I have often experimented with perks (at least those that are at all worth trying out), but the appeal here is that everyone is using random perks. That means you also…
  • I assume the reason they decided to do this now is that Vecna can fly through windows and they didn't want Bamboozle to interact with that. …To which I'd say: As it stands, Vecna's abilities seem pretty underwhelming, and that's without even talking about magical items that can make them even more so. If anything, windows…
  • I wasn't a big fan of this "system" the first time they had experimented with it, and I'm also not a fan of this "iteration" on it which is really just the same thing with most of the accompanying changes removed. First of all, mori kills could actually become overall more rare now that there won't be offerings for it, and…
  • Absolutely, skipping out on a dark castle map now that we are set to actually finally be getting a vampire chapter in DbD is incredibly disappointing, all the more so because of how integral to Castlevania its environment is and how much of a horror essential castle settings in general are. Then I would have much rather…
  • Most people playing this game are pretty mediocre (at best) at it, there is much more skill and depth to it than most people casually assume or give it credit for, most people don't reach their personal skill ceiling (or rather: skill plateau) before thousands of hours of gameplay, and there are a plethora basic,…
  • To be expected that he would have uploaded a video showcasing only advantages it can give you as survivor, but not killer (making things so bright people can't hide, making their blood, scratchmarks and cosmetics stand out much more, using a crosshair, …). He's biased and wants to spin everything to be "survivor-sided",…
  • If you are good at the game, you can win most of your killer matches without any perks whatsoever. Not even tie, not "compete" - win, 90-100% of your matches, many of them decisively. Not just not using slowdown perks, not using any perks, nothing to help in chase, no info perks, no stealth, nothing. This has been proven…
  • I haven't had any issues whatsoever, which is odd. Here are a few ideas for things people can try: Clear your DirectX shader cache. The game will rebuild it during your next session, might clear up some issues with shaders from the previous build being utilized? Update your GPU drivers. As the game is now being run on…
  • I mean, them having 8 anti-tunnel perks in a match where you decide to go easy (i. e. not tunnel, I would imagine) is good for you. And no, them using these "aggressively" by seeking you out and trying to annoy you is not usually at all good for them - they are wasting a ton of time not doing gens or healing giving you…
  • They said they hoped to address the recall time bug in a hotfix, but that unfortunately hasn't happened yet. Just for the curious: The Arkade did a showcase of a pub Twins player without any comp experience (as far as I know) against X9, one of the best teams in the world right now. 5 matches, 5 4ks -…
  • Hiding in general in a match however has various strategical/tactical benefits and can be done with the express intention of getting gens done and escaping. Don't get me wrong, as killer I still much prefer to be in chases all match long (and particularly dislike when survivors hide despite me going out of my way to not…
  • But that's a whole different issue. Yeah, again, I'm not sure this is actually an issue. I don't think most people care that the last survivor has a chance for a random escape even in an otherwise badly lost match. Challenges and achievements and whatnot could be adjusted for a reality in which the killer can't slug for…
  • Do you slug for the 4k? That's something you can do to play around hatch. Most people fortunately don't because they find it incredibly boring, and rightfully so. I think most people don't really feel awful about the last survivor getting hatch if they do, while still trying to find and close the hatch. I just think…
  • But the last survivor having a chance to escape is not an issue, is it? The killer has already won. As you said, you don't even care whether they escape. And sure, you personally may not enjoy the hunt for hatch, but others may, as either role. That there is a last moment of tension, the excitement of still having a chance…
  • So you want to just give them the hope to win by giving them the buff so they continue playing? But why would they in the first place Because there is more of a hope that they can actually get gens done and perhaps even outs. If there is only 1 guy left, but also several gens then this person is supposed to lose If that…
  • The difference is that the match is already lost here and cannot be won anymore no matter the buffs, this is just about the remaining player(s) having more engaging of a time playing the game out. Well, at most they could achieve a draw, but again, even that is incredibly unlikely just because they repair gens faster - if…
  • I think that would just make the game even more boring. Again, my primary concern here is not that the killer is all but guaranteed to win out in the 2v1 and 1v1 scenarios, it's that because he is, the survivors will stealth around indefinitely because there is nothing to play for. And the ways in which the killer can play…
  • I for one would agree. I have long wanted something like NOED (without the movement speed buff) basekit, at least if 3+ survivors remain in endgame because particularly M1 killers are regularly at a major disadvantage here, where a hit can allow a survivor to make a gate even from halfway across the map, let alone if hit…
  • Playing killer a lot myself, I for one despise having one or two remaining survivors that just hide. This is meant to improve the endgame playing experience on both roles. And it wouldn't be all too balance-relevant since the match is already all but (2v1) or actually (1v1) won for the killer. I'm also not sure where the…
  • It is absolutely ridiculous that we don't get to see the killer's ping - not only not in the lobby, but not even in the trial. We can't even see our own ping as killer. Yet every survivor ping is shown real-time. Ridiculous. Solution 1: Show every player's discrete ping in the lobby and trial, including the killer's.…
    in VPN'ing to win Comment by zarr April 30
  • The Unreal Engine update introduced two new graphics quality options in the GameUserSettings.ini (sg.GlobalIlluminationQuality=0, sg.ReflectionQuality=0) that might not be set to "0" automatically. Make sure they are. Maybe a GPU driver update could help you if you haven't done so in a while. With the switch to UE5, DbD…
  • I welcome the quality of life improvements and I appreciate that you went back on your PTB design of Twins in response to the community's feedback. But now you of course did not end up really addressing the concerns that made you want to look at Twins to begin with. Namely their propensity to slug and their low pick rate.…
  • You add 4 seconds every time you recall him, latched or not, which results in bigger cooldowns overall. So you are suggesting the regrow time should always be 10 seconds, even on recalling Victor when he isn't latched onto a survivor? Sure, while that is the first time you bring this up as far as I can tell, that would be…
  • By adding 4 seconds everytime Victor has to regrow. Longer cooldown overall, but allowing her to access her power more often. I still don't understand this. Yes, you would add 4 more seconds regrow time compared to what we have currently, taking it from 16 to 20 seconds, but that is still much less than the 36 we are…
  • my point of having it from 20 to 30 seconds while nerfing the regrow cooldown instead of those forced 36 as that is what makes them more playable right now less valid and not more? Because it will reduce the overall time of Victor usage Sorry, I'm not understanding your point here. The only thing I responded to was your…
  • I literally proved you wrong with the exact same stats you yourself tried to use an argument Which stats are those? I didn't refer to any specific set of stats, just saying "pub matches". And what exactly did you prove wrong? I said they have high average kill rates in pubs, I didn't say they are top 5 average kill rate or…
  • I already addressed this point earlier in the thread. "Unbound" means not bound to Charlotte or a survivor. It goes without saying that Victor has to not be bound to Charlotte in order to be able to recall him, so it's obvious the reason "unbound" is specified here is that it pertains Victor not being tied to a survivor.…
  • "20th kill rate" (or 58%) is within 2% of the top 10. They also had 60% in high MMR brackets (top 5, among other killers), as well as 60% on Nightlight right now (3rd deadliest killer there over the recent month of stats). What do you mean "living in a past", nothing about Twins changed in those years, and if anything the…
  • The point was showing that even some of the best players in the game with top tier coordination struggle against Twins, i. e. that they were a strong killer before these buffs. That they do well in pubs where there are no restrictions is something I also pointed to, with their high average kill rate and the existence of…
  • Yes, in the past when they were played in tournaments regularly, they were considered top 5, with 4ks being common results. Nothing about Twins had changed since then. The point I made was to highlight their strength, it wasn't about the comp scene, this isn't the gotcha you may think it is. I don't know why they don't see…
  • Not saying you are "bad" in some general sense, just that you don't understand or know enough about Twins gameplay if you genuinely hold those beliefs. I sincerely hope that the community will "prove you right" by not being up in arms about this change, because the only way I can see that happen is if still nobody plays…
  • I'm sorry, but if you not only don't see how broken Twins are with Victor being nigh constantly available, but also genuinely think it's best to play for Charlotte M1s and only then unleash Victor, I can't tell you anything but that you lack game understanding. The very first thing you should do when you load in as Twins…
  • Twins just haven't been part of the competitive circuit or at least not seen much of any regular play in it for years now. When they were, they were considered top 5, with 4ks being common. They are still in top tier balancing on tournaments now, such as Outrun. I'm surprised League's winter circuit had them that low, but…
  • The 10 seconds to unleash is only if Victor got crushed, not recalled. Victor used to be attached for 45/30 seconds, and Twins were still an incredibly strong killer that went on winstreaks of hundreds of matches, 4k'd routinely in tournaments and were generally said to require a coordinated team of at least 3 SWF…
  • You are referring to "Charlotte can now recall Victor at any point while he is unbound.", which isn't what this is. First of all, "unbound" would mean not bound to Charlotte or a survivor. Secondly, this change was already in the PTB, and yet Victor could not be recalled while latched onto a survivor. And finally, if this…
  • There is an undocumented change that makes Twins almost as broken as they were on PTB: Victor can now be recalled some 10 seconds after latching onto a survivor. That means there is next to no downtime from Victor, he will always be out injuring and downing people without counterplay. Twins are unbeatable right now. I hope…
  • Absolutely not, Unknown is a strong, comfortably A-tier killer that good players can demolish 99.9% of the pub lobbies they get with and that even 4k'd some of the best teams in tournaments. Huge skill expression potential due to bounce behaviour, wallshots, manipulating Hallucination placement, managing line of sight.…
  • While it is of course very disappointing that the devs even came up with and spent time on these ideas to begin with (all the more so after having had years to think about and work on them) and that they are now reverting most of all of them, leaving the update rather underwhelming, I do have to say that I for one am…
  • Multiple things. Despite crouch tech being an if anything shockingly reliable counter-mechanic to Billy's chainsaw, good Billy players have no issues going on winstreaks of hundreds of matches, or 4k-ing even in tournaments where their opponents are not only keenly aware of crouch techs, but generally great players united…
  • The 2v1 and 1v1 endgame scenarios are definitely two major game design issues still, that have never been properly addressed. If only two survivors remain and there is even just one more gen to do, or let alone more than that, the game is regularly a foregone conclusion and the survivor players will be reluctant to touch…
  • Above all, the state of survivor items (in some senses the equivalent to killer powers) is already grim enough, with no new items having been introduced in more than 6 years and existing items not only not having been improved but actively made less and less appealing, most unfortunately the case of flashlights (the most…
  • It first and foremost uses kills and escapes (the stuff people overwhelmingly actually care about and play for) as metrics and that is perfectly fine and sensible. In chess or really any functioning Elo/MMR system you look at who won to determine Elo, not how they played. Keep in mind however that Elo/matchmaking rating is…
  • Cheers, thanks for reading and engaging with one of my entirely-too-wordy posts yet again. And that's why I think your first main criticism of his video is a little off because I don't think you and he actually disagree. I believe Scott has a much more limited idea as to when tunnelling is good, and isn't convinced that it…
  • "Competitive" i. e. tournament DbD already is a thing and has been for years, and it works well and attracts thousands of viewers. It has in fact only been notably growing and improving in recent years, in terms of viewership, organization and viewing quality, level of competition, prize money, and more. That doesn't mean…
  • I will more or less agree on the prevalence of tunnelling, insofar that it doesn't appear to be as problematically common as it is sometimes being made out to. At least "hard" tunnelling is fairly rare, where the killer will go out of their way and do everything in their power to get the first 3 stages on a singular…
  • The innate counterplay is obvious: Look at the Unknown as much as possible when you are Weakened, dispel Hallucinations whenever you see one if at all possible. If the add-on that applies Weakened on finishing a generator is in play (a strong add-on that is of merely green rarity), let go of gens before they pop if you are…
  • I would agree with getting rid of various ways in which anti-tunnel perks can be used aggressively, if they were to also make it so these perks are much more reliably good in case the survivor is actually getting tunnelled. Removing collision for the 10 seconds of unhook Endurance would help prevent survivors from using it…
  • While I think that this is the strongest Undetectable perk in the game and can be pretty BS on killers like Leatherface, I agree with what @squbax has pointed out regarding both the fact that you have to spend a precious perk slot on this as opposed to one of the powerful slowdown perks, and that "stealth" killer perks are…
  • Background Player is a severe case of "great for solo, horrible for SWF" design. Intentionally dying under pallets and having fellow SWF members around for the pallet save (or simply to threaten it until Flip-Flop + Power Struggle do the trick) has always been something that is problematic, but in the past the killer at…