Share your opinion, it makes for a nice discussion or fix. So in recent killers, I find myself questioning whether or not the new killer is fair. Ive seen the spit and love it, but the range is just. Something else in comparison like...for when the wraith got its much needed speed buff, but this. The RANGE. Kills. It kills…
I wasnt sure where to start this up and I wish there were some sort of poll voting system in the forums. But you get the Idea. Lets talk Gen Rush, love or hate. Youll find yourself on the point. Best perks for Surv, Killer? Or even under-rated perks. Lets talk about the meta, give tips and tricks on how to prevent it from…
As it says, lets get the ideas rollin' and flowin' for some free inspired maps? Ya know, i doubt this'll make it big. But lets see what everyones got. Feel free to make any suggestions, theories, conspiracy theories, anything map related.
The whole "What if this were a killer" or "Make your own killer" kind of deal. I was inspired by one of my pals considerations. Make up the perks, abilities and details. Dont be shy, make them as weak or OP as you please.