Roulette day!
A day where everyone in the community killer and surivior just loaded up a randomness of there perk choice. Idk why I thought about this but I think it would be super fun and silly to try.
Demo question
I didn't see it any where so I figured I ask 1. If demo in the future needs to be for whatever apparent reason needs rebalanced, would they be able to? 2. If an update comes out and demo ends up suffering from type of bug are they able to work on demo to patch it? Sorry if these sound dumb but demo is one of my favorite to…
Your MMR experience
What are your thoughts on the latest test? Me personally I had a pretty good experience my main (blight, demo) characters had a mix of sweaty/casual play I'd say with an average of a 2k-3k. But what I really enjoyed was being able to play killers that I'm not good with (PH,huntress,hag) and actually got a chance to learn…
Help please!
Hey fellow gamers! I'm kinda in a issue whenever these updates happen my ping is through the roof! But my significant other plays on the xbox (I'm on computer) and her game is running as crisp as a sunny day. Anything I should do to my computer or the game to help it run smoother? Any advice is great appreciated! P.s I've…
Trapper challenge
Perhaps I'm not able to comprehend what is being asked. Trap a survivor with a trap that was first activated by a survivor? I played with trapper and caught at least every survivor once. Am I missing somthing do they have to disarm it then trap them?
My game is almost unplayable with how harsh the lag is even the survivors noticed it. Is anyone one else just as bad?
Thoughts on what the new type of perk could be for survivors?
Looking for players.
Me and my brother are trying to play together. But I'm trying to be killer need 3 people that want to play for fun, As survivors. Post your name for invite.