the map hurts physically to look at and play it on it puts really hard strain on my eyes cause of really bad motion blur effect after playing hopefully something could be improved upon once its perma map after the event
there seems to be a bug with bardic inspiration when you use it doesnt play animation and does not give benefits of skill check bonus
when you buy the rift you dont get items you earned in past lvls you reached
when you get infected as survivor you start coughing non stop
this vid explains all with pallet spawns on badham
can get out of bounds of map needs to be killed switched asp cause survivors can hold game hostage
there is two hooks right to one other in upside down room that you can facecamp and survivor does not gain anti camp metter it needs to be killed switched here is the vid proof of it…
This add-on is bugged and it actually gives you a Condemned stack like the old Ring Drawing, but also has the new described effect. People are already taking advantage of it. so it needs to be killed switched
you cant fast vault from this side it gives medium vault when you try to fast vault from this side
when you use dredges Remnant teleport you are unable to use attack button while comeing out of it
in picture where i stand at front its the bugged out gen spot that you cant work on it
This discussion has been merged.
the spot i am standing near you cant work on that side of the gen
when you hook survivor next to this door you cant get past it i dont know if its related to wesker only or other killers but this needs to be looked at
the shirt that supposed to be for jeff on store isnt on insteed its replaced by one of the felixs new cosmetic pieces
as it shown on picture her glass on that head doesnt show the right color
found out about this today when i played on new map that you can only work on two sides of gen but not the one i am standing near of it