Afk Killers
Hello everyone, i wanted to ask a question about those [BAD WORD] afk killers waiting at the exit gates and bring noed just for killing 1 player. I was in game and a Wraith was afk and standing at a exit gate with Insidious and yeah im getting down because why not and i dc. So that's my question what are you thinking about…
What this icon mean ?
Hello, i have little question to ask. his time i have those incons appear on my screen in game : sometimes its grey, sometimes its red. And when its red i have over 1500 ping... Anybody know about this please ?
End Screen bug.
Hey i wanted to report a bug, i saw i'm not the only person to have this but its not the first time i got this Some times i played survivor and the end screen dosen't showed my perks And I played as kiler and that appened : On this screenshot you can see i played Ghost Face but the spécial power showed Oni special power.…