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Visual Bug - Claudette Morel Hair
The endgame screen is showing Claud with cropped hair. She is supposed to be wearing her brown rarity 'Knitted Beret'. Not sure if any other female survivors have the same issue. Platform: Steam PC
'Generosity' Challenge Bugged
Platform: PC The challenge conditions are as follows: " Heal a total of 15 health states of other survivors." Whilst I was in the course of doing this challenge, I became aware that any time you heal another survivor with For The People, it does not count towards your total in this challenge. Is this intended, or a bug?
Gen Placement Suggestion
Could changing the placement of generators possibly help combat the gens getting rushed too quickly? Maybe if more of the available generators only had access on one side, it would help to mitigate the effects of prove thyself etc.. Also if gens were boxed in more, with less escape routes, it would make it more challenging…