The Demo changes were nice and on the right track, he just needs QOL
I’m very happy with the demo changes aimed at the portals as that is his primary issue. He just has so many quarks with the portals though that no matter how much faster you make, it’s still super inconvenient. Something that everything has been begging for: A way to cycle portals. If by adding an option to close a portal…
Along with trying to keep demogorgon up with alien
Though stealth means nothing for him because he is one of if not the loudest character in the game in terms of footsteps and general noises. And overall noises should be toned down. The global teleport sound is also a bit much. He is anything but stealthy, and I feel outside of being sub par alien in transportation, which…
Demogorgon's stealth buffs useless since his footsteps are louder than his terror radius anyway.
Nothing much to say, as much as extra stealth would be a nice touch to demogorgon because alien is him but better, demo's footsteps give him away wayyy too much. In fact I would say his global teleport sound gives him away too much as well. Alien has his "portals" set up by default. Can go to any one of them at a decent…