P2W Ugly Sweater - Basekit Iron Will/Calm Spirit
Not seeing anyone talk about this but Aestri's ugly harp sweater is broken. When you use it, all voice audio is completely silent so you have no breathing, no grunts of pain, no screams, and no fall grunting, paired with light footed and lightweight and you're virtually a ghost.
Hit Validation - When are we actually going to get this fixed?
As the title says, when are we going to start holding BHVR more accountable for this horrid hit validation system? It was bad back in 2019 and we were promised that a "New Hit Validation System" was coming, which was implemented in August of 2020. While the amount of times you drop a pallet and still get hit have severely…
33 M Lf Friends to play with
Hi guys, I'm tryin to meet some new friends to SWF with, new players or veterans, doesn't matter to me as long as it's a chill time. I'm from NA - East Coast, and a PC player with roughly 7,000 hours amongst a few accounts. Feel free to add me on discord: ryou_xiv