Trapper Mask Replica has arrived
Just wanted to give a heads up that they must be actively shipping these out as mine arrived in the mail today!!! For reference, if it matters my order was made when the announcement for them was first made in late 2017. But I must say; the quality of the item was worth the wait!!!!
Trapper Mask Replica Question
When they first announced the opportunity to buy the mask on a dev stream forever ago, it was promised that a poster signed by the staff was coming with it if I remember correctly. I had purchased the mask within a few minutes of the announcement and I was wondering if the poster was still planned to be included in the…
Summer Event cosmetics for locked characters
I currently do not have Kate unlocked; if I get the cosmetic from the event but unlock the character at a later date, will the cosmetic be in that characters inventory or is it required to have the character purchased/unlocked prior to completion?