Double Invocation...
Why do they require 2 cast, why can it not work like Boon 1 cast? Another reason why Invocation should never be ran such terrible design.
Hear me out about this skin...
Brazilian Miku skin for Thalita! ITS PERFECT!
as of now who has the most annoying scream?
definitely not using it to annoy killers with Scene Partner… FOR SCIENCE!
Broken filter...
As title says you can save your filter options =/ Also why would you not add Prestige filter it only makes sense that would be a top one. Biggest annoyance is Laura being first on the list pre-filter, like it screams buy this must buy
Game Mode Idea!
Disable exhaustion perks 2. Killers only get 1 slow down of choice 3. Allow only solo queue (lets be real 2+ queue is an advantage with comms) 4. Disable mmr I think this would be the most fun and chill experience. this is just an Idea there will able be flaws to anything.
Im convinced
that the Devs dont know how to make a goth chick because this is not it. This is another Starbucks goth girl Canadian version.
Feelsbadman New Players
Like the title i just feel bad for newcomers. Not only do i not recommend this game for newcomers and it is just becoming worse now for new players with the PTB changes.
Lights Out more like...
Tunnel Out, holy #########! Nice job Devs maybe we can get Spawn on Hook Event too for the killers
Serious Slow Down talk
Like why havent the Devs added Diminishing returns to Killer slows downs? its not helping anyone other than the Player not learning to play the killer. Just add a System like the way Exhaustion works on Survivor. Of course i dont speak for the killer side but i do have to ask is it that fun stomping on Survivors without a…
was this Shadow Nerfed?
Hex: Two Can Play, i swear this was 2sec and it says 1.5sec now is this right? Maybe i just never read the perk properly.
I dont know why Devs just keep trying to make Boons 24m is too small to work with, 36m sure (keep healing one small) but other than that pretty useless when the killer can hear where it is. Just my rant honestly just feel bad that no one uses it anymore and the team that actually does i always end up 4king them because…