Love the cheaper nodes change
I actually feel a noticeable difference, the BP earned and spending ratio, feels a lot better now. A nice improvement to the grind. Love to see it. Thanks BHVR! ....just remove perk tiers now... the final boss, to truly reduce the grind of this game! also please make it easier to spend millions of BP
Anniversary Appreciation
I always, thoroughly enjoy and love the anniversary events. The atmosphere, to the fun lobby screen, the in game accessory changes to gens and hooks. The event exclusive items. The awesome loading screens. I enjoy all of it! and every minute of it! From the 4th anniversary, 5th and 6th. Thanks Behaviour :) for making the…
I miss the old survivor animations
I'm sure it's been said over and over, and the player base is split about, but I sincerely miss the old survivor animations. Don't get me wrong it needed some tweaking, especially the injured animations. But man... the animations now just feel so stiff and unlively. I really miss how the survivors used to run, and would…