I propose an idea how it is possible to strengthen Michael Myers. Remove Tier 1. Then allow Michael to endlessly accumulate "Evil Within" when Stalkering an obsession (after killing the obsession, the appearance of a new Obsession is IMPOSSIBLE). It is also possible for Michael to kill the Object of the Possession during…
This is important to understand. In this rework, I propose to replace the traps with a Death Mask, which will bind the Survivor to a specific point with a radius of 15 meters. As soon as the survivor leaves the radius, the timer will turn on for 90 seconds, and she will have to CRIPPLE herself to get rid of her (a hit for…
I propose to replace the traps with a Death Mask from Saw 2, which will bind the Survivor to a specific point with a radius of 15 meters. As soon as the survivor leaves the radius, the timer will turn on for 90 seconds, and she will have to CRIPPLE herself to get rid of her (a hit for a healthy one or a deep wound if…
Это важно для понимания. В ланном реворке предлагаю заменить капканы на Маску смерти,которая привяжет Выжившего к конкретной точке радиусом 15 метров. Как только выживший уйдет из радиуса-включится таймер на 90 секунд, и ей придется себя ИСКАЛЕЧИТЬ, чтобы избавиться от неё (ранение для здорового или глубокая рана если уже…