How to kick a gen with the carnifax?
I've tried googling it but I can't find an answer. One of the current challenges is to have the Carnifax kick a gen/pallet 6 times. How do you make it do it? I've tried just spawning guards beside them but all they do is follow their patrol paths. None of the three ever stop to kick a gen or pallet if they cross it. Do I…
Myers can't kill injured or dying survivors
I'm on PC trying to get the achievement for killing all 4 people with level 3. If I use the thombstone I can only kill uninjured survivors. If I hit them or knock them down to dying all I can do is hook them, the option to kill is removed.
Add a way to end matches which are held hostage
This isn't nearly as big an issue as it's been in the past but can we please add someway to end matches which aren't moving forward? I don't need anyone punished and figuring out who is holding it hostage isn't even needed. Just a simple timer like if nobody is killed or no gens are done within a 10 minute window plays can…
Remove seasons
Why do seasons (Rank resets) still exist? With the old pipping system they were mild annoyances. It allowed good survivors and killers a chance to depip and get a few easy matches in before going back to rank 1 and having to try. With the new pipping system it just means rank mean nothing and you get randomly matched…