Cheryl Ugly Sweater missing.
I remember clearly typing the code back when it was the required time, and yet, when I'm having a look in my owned Cheryl cosmetic, the sweater is missing.
More bloodpoints in brutality for Hillbilly / Cannibal / Shape / Plague
Greetings everyone. It has been weeks I've been thinking about the inconsistency of Score Events throughout the entire killer cast. I understand some of the killers I've mentioned on my title are very old and haven't been worked on for awhile, but I find it pretty sad than newers killers gets more bloodpoints than old ones…
Frosty eyes don't have the correct background
Hello and greetings. Just a quick one to let the devs aware about the fact than some of the Frosty eyes for killer (Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress, Hag and Doctor) do not have the correct background for the tittle (instead of being the winter one, it's the chinesse new year) This is an exemple of what he…
For the love of the game, do something about the repport system
This topic is going to be a straigh message for the devs and the mods of Dead By Daylight : do something to improve the repport way... I'm sick and tired of repporting (for speed hack, for exemple) people to see, 1 week and a half later, are still playing the game normally, without any perma bans... Specially with the…