Extremely Bad audio glitch
I went into a game as Trapper to attempt my daily ritual for him and then once I was in the game I noticed something really bad. There was no audio at all for most sounds. I couldn't hear me picking up or setting my traps, couldn't hear the gens being done or the noise when a gen is competed or blown up, couldn't hear the…
Dear Feng Mains...
As a killer my job is to kill you. But your cute little squeals and moans of pain just make it so hard for me to hurt such cuteness in my trials </3 I have one request to you dear feng mains... especially bunny fengs...... Can you stop being so so so cuteeee??!
I'm tired of people complaining about RCPD
Seriously it's one map in a game with so many maps. The most common excuse I hear about it is "Oh it doesn't suit the game" or "it's not good gameplay wise" etc. I'm glad they agree it's a beautiful map at least... The fact that people dc when they get it as well just proves to me the entitlement of players on this game.…
Trickster sadly is just to weak
I played quite a lot of trickster today to try and get used to him but every game I just kept getting an average of like 3-5 hooks. I went from rank 1 to almost rank 4 because of him lol. His power is seriously underwhelming and just has way to many negatives. It takes to much knives to injure/down a survivor, he is 110%…
Am I bad or toxic for doing this?
So I loaded into a game on Fractured Cowshed as The Wraith and first ran into a claudette who stunned me with a pallet and then tbagd me after stunning me. So I decided to bm her back by shaking my head at her after down her then hitting her on hook after and shook my head at her again. After that I downed a Nea and then…
Chains of Hate dlc code giveaway
So i just won a steam code on Tru3talents stream for the chains of hate dlc on pc. And since i dont play on pc im gonna give it to someone who needs it. I only have one code so hurry and i will close this post after ive given it away :)
Xbox Dedicated Servers
Its been like nearly 2 weeks since they disabled the servers for xbox one and yet ps4 and pc still have them. Anyone know when they will be back?
Is it true there are less red rank killers?
I have notices that most of my survivor games are against purple and green rank killers. I have only versed a red rank killer once recently. Is anyone else having this problem to? Is it true that there are less red rank killer players? Because im starting to think it is true
Okay so ive had a few killer games now where i do really well in chases by downing survivors quick, outplaying them at certain loops and also i play as fair as possible(Not camping, tunneling etc.) And every time all 4 survivors escaped because of the gens. Now i know first thing people will say is pressure gens more. Well…
Trapper, Hillbilly and Wraith need new Mori animations
Compared to moris like Leatherfaces or Legions, the 3 originals need a mori update asap. They are very boring compared to the newer ones. Plus i must be in the very short percentage of people who actually prefer dying to a mori over a hook.
Multiple Killers in ranked?
ive seen a lot of videos recently of people get 2 or more killers in a normal match. How is this possible and how did they do it?
2 or more killer in ranked?
Ive seen a few videos of people getting into normal matches with 2 or more killers. How is this possible or how do people do this?
Wonder what or who the new killer is?
From the teaser image im getting like a religious kind of vibe. So new killer could be a Nun or something?
New chapter teaser today?
When do you guys think the new chapter will be out? Its been a while since Legion and Jeff came out and im curious to see what the new Killer will be?
New chapter teaser today?
Its been a while since we has legion and jeff introduced and we haven't heard anything about the new chapter yet. What do you think the new killer will be? and when will the ptb be out?