New killers ideas
The wolf: Is a werewolf that likes to eat. Basic Attack: bites you The wolf sickness ability 1: When you get hit, you get slower and start growing hair. The wolf sickness ability 2: After a little while, you will start decaying. The wolf sickness ability 3: If not healed, you will die. Special ability: Can shape shift into…
New character (The wolf)
The wolf is a werewolf looking character. His basic attack: bites you Different skins in store: Brown version, Bloody version, white version, and crazy version. Sickness level one: start getting slower and growing hair. Sickness level two: If not healed by a medkit, starts decaying Sickness level three: dies and body turns…
Killer can’t stand within 8ft of a hooked survivor
When the killer camps, it is so annoying. In Racoon City, one room had to hooks and he hooked two people on each. He started camping and couldn’t let me or the other player get them off the hooks. So maybe it should be like if you within a 8ft radius, they don’t bleed almost like Flee the facility in Roblox
More video game and movie killers and survivors
I have already made something about the video game characters which you should go check out but like Jason Voorhes is my favorite killer and you guys have almost like every other killer than him. Please try and get some more video game and movie characters
Video game characters should be added.
I love video games as you can tell because I love this game. Maybe you guys can make video game characters as in Ice Scream. Rod’s weapon could be an ice cream cone and is special ability is like the trapper where he can set a freeze trap which if you step in it you freeze for about 25 seconds so it gives the killer an…
When breaking a pallet, you don’t get affected by the flashlight.
Whenever I’m trying to break a pallet, I get shined by the flashlight and get stunned. It is really annoying whenever I’m trying to hurry. How come that can’t run away and flash me.
Add a time limit between flashlight flashes
Whenever I play, the flashlights are so annoying, especially when I’m trying to hook someone. I feel like there should at least be a 5-10 second countdown