Pick Up Survivor Bug = Killer and Survivor Stuck.
Currently having issues with games where picking up a survivor causes the killer to be stuck in animation not sure if directly related to the killer. I played this game as Dredge and was stuck in animation when Mikaela opened the locker.. I played another game where I got downed by Dracula. He tried to pick up and got…
2v8 Huntress - No Bloodlust
Been playing Huntress a lot in the 2v8. I've noticed almost every game I haven't been receiving any bloodlust and survivors have just been looping me around continuously with no progress to catching up. I have much more examples in my VOD on Twitch. I have been dealing with this by throwing all my hatchets away and relying…
Unable to Buy Christmas In July Bundle.
I have both of the skins for Elodie and the Clown. However, can't purchase the charms and complete the Bundle. Keep getting errors.