So in the final patchnotes, bhvr has clearly no idea what they wanna do with sm, bringing back the haste that everyone was complaining. And your aiming her rework in 2025 and then what? What if the second rework is as bad as the first one? Because they tried it before and it did nothing. So pls stop wasting time with sm…
The kick animation for the carbon bootprint outfit is bugged for a while now, when you kick a pallet or generator. Dont know how to describe it, but its very ugly.
Yeah, after a match i want go to the main menu or the tome the games closing every single time on pc
Just another P100 like all the other characters
Since skull merchant is reworked, she has a weird bug that when you want place a drone, she lift up her left arm but without a drone, but you gain undertactable for 8s and the power goes on cooldown. Its very frustrating if you are in a chase and you want to place a drone and you lose 12s until you can place the next…