How and why is this possible
So i just went against 3 different teams but they managed to pop all 5 gens in a lil under/over a minute and i literally walk to the side of the map i think they are boom gen gone boom gen behind me gone every game do i need to explain why i want some answers on how they did that
How is this possible
I just had all 5 gens pop 3 games in a row whit in a little under a minute any one bother explaining how
Lets talk about hook camping
Personally i dont think staying near the hook for a lil bit is not that bad but face camping is a big no no
So who has your favorite person in the game
Personally i like the acrhives guy he has a nice voice
So lets talk moris
Cypres you barely get to use it its ok Ivory balanced no complaints Ebony i personally dont hate it but i dont like it
So what yall think of no ed
Personally i really dont mind it but id love to hear your opinions
So yall think this is a good idea
Basically i was thinking what if there was a game mode whit 2 killers and 8 survivors 10 gens needed to be done how yall think it would work
I would just like to apreachiate the new totems
I can not begin to explain how many times i have had my ruin or devour spawn put it the open thank you for fixing that