Tinted Sunglasses head still broken.
Before UE5 update this is what the glasses looked like. The glasses are transparent. After UE5 update they look like this Glasses are opaque. The hair also doesn't use the textures it was advertised with in the collection trailer. Below is what it currently uses. "T_CMMHair_03_A" This is what it is supposed to use and was…
Elodie Rakoto balding on certain headpieces.
Elodie is balding on two hairs. Loc Jewelry You can see straight to her scalp and the ends of the locs look unnatural. Dread Wrap I don't know if some of the dreads were removed but you can see into the base under the hair and it looks like she has a weird growth forming from the top of her head.
Yun-Jin's Grand Moment Skirt bugged texture.
Since the UE5 update the bow on the skirt has used the wrong texture. Below is the texture it is supposed to use and the one it used on release. S25Torso20 The texture it uses now is S25Legs20. This also causes the ribbons to appear shorter because of the transparency map isn't made for them. (Pictures taken in blender as…
Incorrect hair alpha texture on Yun-Jin's Tinted Sunglasses
With the recent update the balding has been fixed but the hair still uses the incorrect hair texture. It is supposed to use T_GSHair026_M for the transparency texture like it does in the trailer. It currently uses T_CMMHair_03_A which must've been put into the material files by accident.
Bugged textures on Yun-Jin's Tinted Sunglasses Head.
Yun-Jin's Tinted Sunglasses headpiece uses the wrong alpha textures on the hair causing her scalp to show in various places. Furthermore, the color doesn't exactly match the version in the collection trailer. This has been happening since the cosmetic's release. As you can see you can see her scalp very clearly in the…
Yun-Jin’s Tinted Sunglasses head uses the wrong hair texture.
In-game her is see through and you can see her scalp because it is using the wrong hair textures. For reference it currently uses the “T_CMM” labeled textures when it’s supposed to use the “GS” labeled hair textures. (Picture in blender for reference on what texture is supposed to be used)