BP offerings don't work when an Event Offering is being played.
I hope this is a bug. Once at least one person burns those Bloody Eye offering, any BP offering is declined. If that was intentional, this has to be one of the worst BP events ever. . . Any mod or something writing a statement?
Is this patch super broken?...
I mean...I've encountered lots of bugs..
An idea to make Legendary skins more..special.
Hey! While playing a survivor round with Cheryl's legendary skin (Lisa Garland) I've had an idea...what if (to make the future Legendary skins more "Legendary" like) they come with a P3 version after you hit P3 with the belonging character? I mean, it would be cool to have for example: The regular Lisa and then a P3 Lisa…
Cheryl! :D
I am so happy, I've just reached p3 with her!