Sadako is weak. What can we do with this problem?
Hello everyone. If you clicked on this post, you know that Sadako is at best C tier without the best add-ons, and you have some ideas on how to improve Sadako, and... I have them too. I will write them in this post, and after reading this post you will write your ideas, okay? First, Sadako has a "flickering" after…
Add mini-games to generators! It will be fun!
Add mini-games to generators! So it will be much more fun to repair generators - the most boring part of the dbd. Make Tetris in generators, a maze, a snake, tic-tac-toe with a bot, add some kind of puzzle to the fix. If you do not complete the mini-game in time or correctly, the generator will explode. Sometimes skill…
Add mini-games to generators! It will be very fun
Add mini-games to generators! So it will be much more fun to repair generators - the most boring part of the dbd. Make Tetris in generators, a maze, a snake, tic-tac-toe with a bot, add some kind of puzzle to the fix. If you do not complete the mini-game in time or correctly, the generator will explode. Sometimes skill…
Universal post with a solution to many problems
Dear readers of this forum! In this post, I will analyze as many as 4 topics: tunneling deterioration, camping, soloq and Ghost improvement. I've always played assassins and very rarely soloq (85%/15%), but yesterday I was just a survivor most of the time. And you know... It was terrible. Although I easily ran the killers,…
Какой маньяк, по Вашему мнению, САМЫй СБАЛАНСИРОВАННЫЙ?
Под "сбалансированным" я подразумеваю маньяка, у которого среднее количество киллов за матч это 3-4 в паблике и 2 килла против среднего пати с Дискордом, наличие контроля карты и поимка за +- 35-40 секунд среднего игрока (не задрота), который умеет кидать паллетки и не ведётся на очевидные фейки. Если у Вас есть своё…
The Deathslinger is not good
Sorry for mistakes, i CAN`T WRITE ENGLISH WELL. And thanks a lot to Google Translater! Hello everyone, here we will talk about the Deathslinger. How many times a week did you see him in the game? I'm sure you haven't seen it at all. And we know very well why they do not want to play for him: a large terror radius and, most…