I hate the new ui
Coming from a console player Just like the majority of pc players that tested in the PTB Is that what you wanted to hear, devs?
Did hillbilly change mechanical wise or just animations?
Just finished my first match with the new hillbilly stuff and i was wondering if it changed anything besides animations? It did feel a little janky could just be muscle memory tho
Deathslinger nerfed
As of 3.6.1 Deathslinger is now hot garbage on console even prior he needed a lot of play time to learn to aim and get better but now He is completely unplayable unless you like losing Thank you BHVR very cool.
Why does everyone hate freddy?
I've been going on the forums for quite a while now and I've seen so much hate on freddy and how unfun he is to play against I personally like fighting him but i just wanted to know why everyone else doesn't
Bloody chainsaws
I was wondering if our chainsaw boys will ever get a bloody chainsaw for prestiging? I think it would be pretty cool
Please make deathslinger 115%
Hear me out, Caleb is one of the funnest killers released but fun and viability are two different things Hes going to get genrushed in almost every high level game for no map pressure at all. I see some people saying allow him to pull survivors over pallets but i believe just changing his movement speed to 115% will be…
Controller sensitivity
Deathslinger is out and fun but i was wondering Devs are you going to increase controller sensitivity so deathslinger feels better on console? PC deathslingers just have a straight up advantage compared to us console players so i was just wondering.
Gearhead nerfed?
I don't really understand why they nerfed it It was easily his best perk and i just thought this nerf was uncalled for